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Old 06-04-2008, 11:01 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Ferd, I think your post is uninformed....

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
how many times do I need to do that Prax? but thanks for changing the subject.

I was about to pull out the Timlan line and provide an address....

Obama wants to
Raise taxes
Which tax bracket will that be and how much?

expand spending by a trillion dollars
On average every President has increased spending. It's disturbing, but a lot of that will be money saved from our strategic withdraw from Iraq.

lose the war in Iraq
Our mission was to dethrone Saddam and eliminate his WMD capabilities...well...to eliminate him. Iraq is currently falling into a civil war between Iraqi factions. This war opening up on the heels of our mission is their war not ours.

nationalize healthcare
Nope. He will negotiate lower premiums for citizens and subsidize private health insurance for those who cannot afford it. The health care industry itself will continue pretty much the same as it currently functions.

appoint idiots like Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the supreme court.
And who do you think McCain will appoint and what can we expect from them?
Among other things, he has voted to give members of the Homeland Security department, Union status so they can strike and shut down our ability be defend against terrorism in America.
Actually, like police and fire authorities, they will become bargaining unit, however they will not be allowed to strike.

I could go on.... i think we all get the point.
Yep...Ferd doesn't know what he's talking about.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:03 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I can not believe you went there. Grow up already!
Ferd has a tendency to say inflammatory things about people who disagree with him politically...and then fall back and claim he was joking. I sincerely think Ferd believes that many who prayed for him are mentally ill.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:05 PM
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Re: Hope! Action! Change!


Your assertion that Iraq is "currently falling into a war between factoins" is factually wrong.

That was the situation before the surge but the Shia and Sunni are working much better together now. The Shia Prime Minister has come down hard on renegade Shia militia's and that has finally bought him credibility among the Sunni.

Why do you ignore the recent progess in Iraq? Could it be that you are "invested" into it being a lost cause and don't want to admit you were wrong?

That is the dilemma many Dems find themselves in who opposed the surge. They hate to admit anything good happening in Iraq.

My son witnessed this first hand during his two tours in the Al Anbar province . The media only covered the negative things that happend. CNN embedded a crew with them for five days and many positive good things happened during that time but the only thing that made the news was when they hit and IED and my son's seargant was wounded.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Note: Republicans and conservatives are increasingly becoming mentally conditioned by the false prophets of Right Wing talk radio.

Oh here we goa again. Us Republicans are all just stupid mind numbed robots who only get our thoughts from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity!

Good grief! Give it a rest. I have been a political junkie / policy wonk since I was a nerdy 16 year old high school student.

I was a card carrying Republican at age 16, two years before I could vote and SEVERAL DECADES before talk radio!

I am college educated and self educated. American government is a hobby of mine.

So stop it with the snide remarks about the intelleigence and thinking ability of those who oppose Obama and don't join the masses trashing GWB.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:16 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
since we are on the subject.

for those of you that have prayed for my wife and little boy, thank you!

Even if you think like Obama.... I would even thank Obama.... even though I think he should be picking up dog poo instead of running for president.

now, here is a test.

Do you advocate invading an ally and talking to our mortal enemies?
If that "ally" is harboring Osama bin Laden they're not much of an ally and they are begging for a strategic military strike.

The American President shouldn't be a coward who hides in the ivory tower of the White House from two bit foreign dictators. Our President should have no issue with meeting with any two bit dictator, world leader, or official on America's terms in order to clearly state America's interests and what would be in that leader and their nation's best interests should they assume opposing us would be profitable.

Do you consider your only pastor (of 22 years) to NOT be your spiritual mentor.
I think it's sad Obama had to disown his pastor over all this. I think it's sad McCain had to renounce Hagee over politics. My last pastor was just as fanatical as Wright, accept he was a right wing fanatic instead of a left wing fanatic.

Do you think belonging to a church for 22 years that advocates racist views not an issue, until the person runs for president, then think the guy has taken a "Principled stand" by ending his membership in such a church because he is running for president?
I will not criticize their theological bent...but I think it's sad that we will force any politician to have to renounce his church.

Do you have friends who BOMBED THE WHITE HOUSE and then recently stated he wished he had "done more?
Politics is a dirty job. In come circumstances you find yourself working with the bottom of the barrel.

if so, then you need some serious mental help. Please check in to the closest mental health facility. I will pray for you!
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:17 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Ferd, I went to a church for almost 10 years that was full of racist views. Doesn't mean I endorsed those views or let those views shape how I think.
Thank you. Besides, their not racist...they espouse an ethnocentric theology. Big difference.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:32 PM
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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Obama is for:
Gay marriage
Actually he's for civil unions...as is McCain.

Abortion on demand for anyone under any circumstances.
You mean like the Bush Administration?

Raising taxes on the middle class
Not true. Can you specify which tax bracket and the tax increase?

Taxing you at the gas pump.
Investigating to find out if speculators and suppliers are driving up the price of oil is in America's best interests.

Bartering with a sworn enemy of America and Israel.
Obama never used the term "bartering". Obama doesn't believe that a President should be a coward who hides in the Oval Office, but rather should personally approach world leaders on America's terms to specify America's intentions and personally tell them face to face how our interests are in their best interests.

Civil War in Iraq
Already in a civil war.

Obama has ties to Communists sympathizers
Like Trotskyist neoconservatives and John McCain?

Racist Black Muslims lead by Louis Farrakhan
Like it or not Farrakhan was a social force in America.

Close friends with former members of a domestic terrorist group that never repented for their many bombings.
Not close friends. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Obama is a leftist and as such also supports handing American sovereignty over to the likes of the UN like Bill Clinton did, which wants to put another tax on each of us Americans.
You mean like Bush? We went to war in Iraq to enforce the UN's resolutions. Iraq was no real threat to the U.S.

If you thought it was getting hard for Christians now, just wait till you have a democratically controlled house and democratic President who will vote in a far left liberal judge on the Supreme Court
Hard for Christians? Are you crazy? I got up, went to work, read my Bible at my desk, talked about salvation with two people in the break room, rushed home listening to Christian radio, got dressed and openly drove to church. Our services weren't interrupted by secret police nor were we followed home and harassed by secret police. Oh...I did have one issue...I realized I couldn't use government to control what others did because it offended my religious sensibilities.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:36 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post

Your assertion that Iraq is "currently falling into a war between factoins" is factually wrong.

That was the situation before the surge but the Shia and Sunni are working much better together now. The Shia Prime Minister has come down hard on renegade Shia militia's and that has finally bought him credibility among the Sunni.

Why do you ignore the recent progess in Iraq? Could it be that you are "invested" into it being a lost cause and don't want to admit you were wrong?

That is the dilemma many Dems find themselves in who opposed the surge. They hate to admit anything good happening in Iraq.

My son witnessed this first hand during his two tours in the Al Anbar province . The media only covered the negative things that happend. CNN embedded a crew with them for five days and many positive good things happened during that time but the only thing that made the news was when they hit and IED and my son's seargant was wounded.
It's not that the surge didn't work. It's that no matter what we do, no matter when we leave things are going to fall apart as the factions go hot. The only answer is a permanent surge, babysitting operation. Also...it's important to note that not every region has been stabilized.
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Old 06-04-2008, 11:44 PM
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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It's not that the surge didn't work. It's that no matter what we do, no matter when we leave things are going to fall apart as the factions go hot. The only answer is a permanent surge, babysitting operation. Also...it's important to note that not every region has been stabilized.
You have no basis on which to state that no matter what we do when we leave things are going to fall apart.

Each of the three main groupd (Sunni, Kurds, Shia) have a vested interest in the government working.

Great progress has been made in allocating oil revenue, other resources, dividing up power, etc over the past nine months.

You just have to dig deep to find that news and those determined for Iraq to be a failure somehow don't look for those stories.

Heaven forbid that GWB might make adjustjments and Iraq end up a success!!! We couldn't have that now could we????

I thought it was a disgrace last year when literally one week into the surge, when over 90% of the surge had not even started yet the Dem Senate leader Harry Reid called the surge a failure.

The dems and those opposed to the war are so vested in our failure they refuse to admit when things turn around. Success does not fit in their predictions and they don't want it at all cost, which I find amazing.
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Old 06-05-2008, 12:10 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hope! Action! Change!

It's not going to hold. First, it's an Islamic culture. Second, there are outside forces such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia who are just looking destabilize Iraq.
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