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03-04-2008, 06:32 PM
The Eyes of the Lord
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 329
Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by rgcraig
You know, this is just a dumb question if you think about it.
How do you reach the lost?
You know, Sis, that was one of the wisest responses to this fear of ministering to 'gays.'
Let me just say...
I could see if CeCe was going to join the praise and worship team at Victory or something. I lived right down the street from Victory when I lived in GA.
I inadvertantly had my daughter go to the church with a friend. The things my daughter told me she saw when she came back appalled me.
You mean to tell me that gays and lesbians aren't worthy to experience the presence of God?
The redeeming power of God? The anointing that destroys the yoke of perversion off their lives?
I do believe this is why homosexuals and lesbians have congregations.
I mean if they thought they were all right, they wouldn't acknowledge a need for redemption or salvation, right?
Yes, herego, their gospel is a little perverted. Their doctrine is off.
But what we must look at is the fact that they at least WANT to go to church. They want to know that Jesus loves them.
This is what we ALL want.
Now if a homosexual cannot come to church and hear the Word of God that can save their soul...
If a lesbian cannot experience an encounter with God while under the anointing at church...
Where can they go?
Leave CeCe alone. I believe the woman is led by the Holy Ghost, and am sure she prayed about going there before she agreed to minister there.
Going up in the Spirit Realm....

03-04-2008, 06:39 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
True we are to take care of our bodies and the scripture is very clear saying "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost..." I Corinthians 6:19. Those who can't say "no when their bellies are full"; need to learn some self control; not have a homosexual demon cast out of them.
Yes, Christians at times are gossipers, lie, cheat, steal, and do other sinful acts. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus" Romans 3:23-26
As such we can fall to our knees, repent of our sins, and find forgiveness. However, homosexuality is not the same. A homosexual cannot simply fall to their knees as forgiveness and the blood of Christ wash over them. They need the laying on of hands and that homosexual demon cast out of them. I have laid hands on people and cast demons out of them, in particular homosexual. And I can assure you that their weight was not the issue, it was those demons that had them bound. So you cannot place a shortcoming such as gossiping on the same level as demonic oppression.
Originally Posted by tv1a
Can one be a christian gossiper? Can one be a christian liar, theif, etc.? Those are more prevelant in the church than christian homosexuals.
It easy to jump on the bandwagon of sins we don't have to deal with. Any destructive behavior needs to be dealt with. There are some sins which are acceptable to Christians.
We have people in the pews and in the pulpits who don't take care of their bodies, in direct violation of scripture. Those who gossip and those who can't say no when their bellies are full are going to meet the same fate as the homosexual.
Homosexuality is sin. So is gossip. So is causing division. So is undermining leadership (wpf). So is legalism.
Would Cece Winans have an obligation to preach against gossip if she sings at a church for tale bearers?
Would she have an obligation to preach against gluttony if she sings at a church full people who need a wide angle lens to get into the picture?
It is condesending and insulting to suggest someone preach against a certain sin, but not hold the to the same standards for other blatent sins.

03-04-2008, 06:55 PM
The Eyes of the Lord
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 329
Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
New Wine said:
A homosexual cannot simply fall to their knees as forgiveness and the blood of Christ wash over them. They need the laying on of hands and that homosexual demon cast out of them. I have laid hands on people and cast demons out of them, in particular homosexual. And I can assure you that their weight was not the issue, it was those demons that had them bound. So you cannot place a shortcoming such as gossiping on the same level as demonic oppression.
My response:
Not trying to be funny...but when you cast out that homosexual demon, did that person maintain their deliverance?
Are they still saved and walking with God today? Were there any relapses into that lifestyle that you know of?
Just curious...
Going up in the Spirit Realm....

03-04-2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl
You know, Sis, that was one of the wisest responses to this fear of ministering to 'gays.'
Let me just say...
I could see if CeCe was going to join the praise and worship team at Victory or something. I lived right down the street from Victory when I lived in GA.
I inadvertantly had my daughter go to the church with a friend. The things my daughter told me she saw when she came back appalled me.
You mean to tell me that gays and lesbians aren't worthy to experience the presence of God?
The redeeming power of God? The anointing that destroys the yoke of perversion off their lives?
I do believe this is why homosexuals and lesbians have congregations.
I mean if they thought they were all right, they wouldn't acknowledge a need for redemption or salvation, right?
Yes, herego, their gospel is a little perverted. Their doctrine is off.
But what we must look at is the fact that they at least WANT to go to church. They want to know that Jesus loves them.
This is what we ALL want.
Now if a homosexual cannot come to church and hear the Word of God that can save their soul...
If a lesbian cannot experience an encounter with God while under the anointing at church...
Where can they go?
Leave CeCe alone. I believe the woman is led by the Holy Ghost, and am sure she prayed about going there before she agreed to minister there.
Gays are worshiping a god created in their own image. They do NOT want the God of the Bible. That is CLEAR. They want acceptance and not repentance.
Practicing gays and lesbians and not WORTHY of the presence of God. What makes them worthy?
If a homosexual comes to Christ with a realization that he is a sinner deserves death and hell and his only hope is in Christ he can be changed....but not until then.
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
- Groucho Marx

03-04-2008, 07:01 PM
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Posts: 257
Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by tv1a
I would use a homosexual before I would use a gossiper anyday of the week. The church is generally homophobic. They think homosexuality is an abomination while on the pulpit sits a preacher of Ehud like porportions. A homosexual doesn't do near as much damage as a gossiping pentecostal. God looks at sin the same way, just because one does a little shockamoo doen't mean their sin is any worse than homosexuality.
Contrary to popular belief Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't destroyed because of homosexual tendancies. They were destroyed because they did not take care of the children and the poor. Exekiel 16:49
I would use a homosexual before I would use a gossiper anyday of the week. The church is generally homophobic.
We know that the first Christians were those in the book of Acts. And we know that those in the book of Acts that were called Christians were those that believed in baptism (in the Name of Jesus Christ) and receiving the Holy Ghost (evidence of speaking in other tongues). If you line up with the book of Acts than according to the word of God you are a Christian. Therefore, having said that I will say this.
No Christian can find sin acceptable, if they do then they should hit their knees and get their heart right with the Lord. Sin is sin, but not all sin is termed an "abomination". Homosexuality is a sin just as various other things are, however, Leviticus 18:22 (ref: Romans 1:24) discusses homosexuality and states "it is abomination". Thus, this ungodly spirit of homosexuality is not only a sin, but an abomination.
Your statement is spiritually troubling. Because NO CHRISTIAN that is FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST would ever make such a statement. For if one has been grafted into the body of Christ, they would never suggest or state in any way that they would desire to use demons. "The church is generally homophobic. They think homosexuality is an abomination...." I say unto you THE CHURCH IS RIGHT...HOMOSEXUALITY IS AN ABOMINATION according to the Word of God.
while on the pulpit sits a preacher of Ehud like porportions.
Judges 3:12-31
We find in verse 12 the Israelites have done evil in the sight of the Lord and the Lord has brought the Moabites against them, by strengthening Eglon the Moabite king. The children of Israel cried out unto the Lord and God sent them a Benjamite, Ehud. Ehud made a dagger which he concealed according to scripture and went before Eglon. While alone with Eglon, Ehud said unto Eglon verse 20 "I have a message from God unto thee" and he killed Eglon with the dagger. Further down in verse 27 Eglon blew the trumpet in the mountain of Ephraim and says unto the Israelites "Follow after me for the Lord hath delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand". The Israelites go on to slay the Moabites. You are mistaken in you statement; perhaps you meant to say "Eglon"; because a preacher of "Ehud like proportions" is not a negative thing.

03-04-2008, 07:03 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
Gays are worshiping a god created in their own image. They do NOT want the God of the Bible. That is CLEAR. They want acceptance and not repentance.
Practicing gays and lesbians and not WORTHY of the presence of God. What makes them worthy?
If a homosexual comes to Christ with a realization that he is a sinner deserves death and hell and his only hope is in Christ he can be changed....but not until then.
True. And I am sure you would agree the same is true for the NON homosexual.
It is the inability to acknowlege sin and accept the only anadote that damns the soul.
If one argues homosexuality (or any other sin) is NOT sin, they cannot be forgiven.
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005
I am a firm believer in the Old Paths
Articles on such subjects as "The New Birth," will be accepted, whether they teach that the new birth takes place before baptism in water and Spirit, or that the new birth consists of baptism of water and Spirit. - THE PENTECOSTAL HERALD Dec. 1945
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves

03-04-2008, 07:05 PM
The Eyes of the Lord
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 329
Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
New Wine said:
A homosexual cannot simply fall to their knees as forgiveness and the blood of Christ wash over them. They need the laying on of hands and that homosexual demon cast out of them. I have laid hands on people and cast demons out of them, in particular homosexual. And I can assure you that their weight was not the issue, it was those demons that had them bound. So you cannot place a shortcoming such as gossiping on the same level as demonic oppression.
So now the blood of Jesus Christ cannot wash homosexuality away???
Now if someone doesn't bow to your power to cast out their devil then they cannot experience God move in their lives????
It is this type of classification of sin that renders many of folks in the Body of Christ ineffective to minister to those bound by homosexuality or lesbianism.
This innate fear that folks have of homosexuals and lesbians.
Those who got a problem with Cece singing at Victory...
"OhmyGod, like we cannot be around homos because that spirit is like too strong so we cannot let them in the church, minister to them, and if they do come in our church, they better like get ready for me to call them names....
Because I don't believe in the power of the Blood to redeem them.
So now we got to keep them outta our churches and make sure they don't ever experience the power of God. Because if they do God just may show me out and deliver and save them and I would have to stand behind my precious pulpit and apologize to all the homos I kept from the altar and carded them off from the wanting to be in the presence of God with my utter prejudice and hatred...."
Folks, we as the church need to wise up. He that winneth souls is WISE.
Going up in the Spirit Realm....

03-04-2008, 07:10 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
True. And I am sure you would agree the same is true for the NON homosexual.
It is the inability to acknowlege sin and accept the only anadote that damns the soul.
If one argues homosexuality (or any other sin) is NOT sin, they cannot be forgiven.
I would agree. But one HAS to realize their absolute unworthiness and that only He is worthy.....hey you said that already.
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
- Groucho Marx

03-04-2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl
This innate fear that folks have of homosexuals and lesbians.
Those who got a problem with Cece singing at Victory...
I have no fear of gays. I have several friends that are homosexual. What I do fear is the ONE Who can destroy not only my body but also my soul. What he deems as an abomination I have no right to contradict.
Do you think Cece is going to tell anybody at this church that they need to leave their lifestyle???????
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
- Groucho Marx

03-04-2008, 07:19 PM
The Eyes of the Lord
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 329
Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
They want acceptance and not repentance.
This may be the case for some, I won't argue with that. But I do not believe that is the case with them all. That is a broad generalization, a stereotype...
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
Practicing gays and lesbians and not WORTHY of the presence of God. What makes them worthy?
How can you who needs the Blood of Jesus as we all do come to the conclusion of WHO is worthy of the presence of God and who isn't?????
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
If a homosexual comes to Christ with a realization that he is a sinner deserves death and hell and his only hope is in Christ he can be changed....but not until then.
I don't argue with the fact that. I have always maintained that ALL need to come the realization that none of us are what you call 'worthy' of God's presence or salvation.
What Apostolics are the only ones worthy? Cuz we got the doctrine down right. We don't wear this or do that. We have standards and blah, blah, blah....
So because we do all this now we are 'worthy?'
That mindset is PRIDE. And pride always come before a fall.
Sir, NONE of us are worthy. NONE of us will be saved if we don't come to the realization that we need Jesus. Period.
I am not attacking you. Please undertand that. It's just that there are countless number of souls who are bound by homosexuality and lesbianism who are going to split hell wide open because preachers throw names and stones at them instead of effectively ministering to them.
Going up in the Spirit Realm....
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