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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-04-2008, 07:14 AM

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Resolution 4 was just a springboard

I posted this in another thread but feel like i should repost in my own. I don't agree that the organization will become more liberal due to UC's pulling out. Only a very small percentage of the ULTRA conservatives are going to pull out. And many of these were not participating in the organization at all anyway. There are many many conservative pastors who are staying with the upci and do not feel that this res.4 is even an issue in the big picture. These UC's who are beginning this new "fellowship" are simply losing sight of our goal. All of the time and energy wasted on this should be focused towards reaching our world. And I will go ahead and say this, 4 of the "officials" in the wpf, did not even bother to go to general conference and cast their vote. If they had, and just campaigned against it in a very small way, the resolution would not have passed. I think it is obvious then that they WANTED this resolution to pass because NOW they have an "issue" to springboard their "new organization. They wanted their own organization and have for a long time. This was all orchestrated. They were simply waiting for the right "issue" to arise that they could get all of the UC's stirred up over. While I do have respect for some of these men, I have to question their motives. Starting a new organization where ppl will STILL disagree over issues hardly seems the answer. I will now predict that the new fellowship will split again later. The question is are they simply Power hungry? I think so.
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:27 AM
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Yes, they are power hungry. If they can't be a big duck in a big pond, they wlll seek to be a big duck in a little pond.

They will end up fighting the UPC at every get-to-gether just like the AMF did for years after they formed. And like the AMF did, they will end up in fighting and contending with themselves over who is most holy. O brother!
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by dht0943 View Post
I posted this in another thread but feel like i should repost in my own. I don't agree that the organization will become more liberal due to UC's pulling out. Only a very small percentage of the ULTRA conservatives are going to pull out. And many of these were not participating in the organization at all anyway. There are many many conservative pastors who are staying with the upci and do not feel that this res.4 is even an issue in the big picture. These UC's who are beginning this new "fellowship" are simply losing sight of our goal. All of the time and energy wasted on this should be focused towards reaching our world. And I will go ahead and say this, 4 of the "officials" in the wpf, did not even bother to go to general conference and cast their vote. If they had, and just campaigned against it in a very small way, the resolution would not have passed. I think it is obvious then that they WANTED this resolution to pass because NOW they have an "issue" to springboard their "new organization. They wanted their own organization and have for a long time. This was all orchestrated. They were simply waiting for the right "issue" to arise that they could get all of the UC's stirred up over. While I do have respect for some of these men, I have to question their motives. Starting a new organization where ppl will STILL disagree over issues hardly seems the answer. I will now predict that the new fellowship will split again later. The question is are they simply Power hungry? I think so.
I disagree that it is the "Ultra" cons pulling out. A lot of the guys on the list are libs. Maybe it is primarily the "california" UC's. The Ultra cons will do what they want, and YES this is a power hungry bunch in the top echelon that realized they were not going to get elected to be captain of the big team, so they went and started their own team. "I am going to take my ball and go home unless I am allowed to be the quarterback". All who are looking to this bunch to have good leadership, are looking the wrong direction.
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:08 AM

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I don't think that many are looking to them for leadership. I think most of them are looking to BE the leadership. Some small churches, uninformed (i use this word to avoid the word ignorant) pastors/preachers will follow this group simply because they want to feel like they are "a part of something". Some who have never received recognition within the UPC will now get recognition simply because they will be one of few instead of one of many.
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:55 AM
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You guys must be prophets! For you are claiming that you know the mind, Spirit, and attitude of all of these men.
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Old 01-04-2008, 10:10 AM
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dht0343, you may want to search the boards before continuing this line of thought. It was reviewed from about 88 different sides...........
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
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Old 01-04-2008, 11:20 AM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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I don't agree that it is because men are "power hungry." Some sincerely believe that a lifestyle of certain dress standards and universal prohibitions are absolutely essential to going to heaven. Even though I don't agree with them, I think anytime an organization can become smaller, it is a good thing, not a bad thing. Smaller organizations are always more efficiently run and better in touch with the people they are supposed to serve.
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Old 01-04-2008, 11:24 AM
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I have to agree with JAS...I don't think it is because they are power hungry. If that were the case, they could have left and formed a new organization long ago. I do think that res. 4 was just the straw that broke the camel's back, but I think there are too many things that offend these men's sensibilities (justified or not), and res. 4 was a good reason to cut out.

There are lines and boundaries and personal convictions that do matter, and if they are crossed or violated, strong men and women will have to make moral choices based on their beliefs and convictions. That is to their credit, whether you agree with their conclusions or not.

I don't believe that everything having to do with this matter has been on the up and up, but that's another issue, and there is no need to drag names through the mud that don't belong there.
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Old 01-04-2008, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by LordChocolate View Post
I disagree that it is the "Ultra" cons pulling out. A lot of the guys on the list are libs. Maybe it is primarily the "california" UC's. The Ultra cons will do what they want, and YES this is a power hungry bunch in the top echelon that realized they were not going to get elected to be captain of the big team, so they went and started their own team. "I am going to take my ball and go home unless I am allowed to be the quarterback". All who are looking to this bunch to have good leadership, are looking the wrong direction.
Since I don't know many of the men personally, which ones would you classify as libs?

I find it a bit hard to believe that libs would join a group started in response to, allegedly, the acceptance of television advertisement in the UPC.

Not denying your claim, just curious as to who the libs are.
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Old 01-04-2008, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
You guys must be prophets! For you are claiming that you know the mind, Spirit, and attitude of all of these men.
Just like these men in Tulsa saying what the UPC is going to be like in 2 years.
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