Originally Posted by Steve Epley
I preached this morning on the Impossibility of Salvation with Men but he Possibility with God.
Tonite I preached on Redigging the Wells.
Several were around the altar praying and three seemed to get touched.
Imagine two trying to get a camel through a real needle used for sewing. One of them attempting to do it is your local Arab. The other is God. With your local Arab, it would be impossible. With God, there is no problem. God can put the Camel through the eye of a needle with ease. With God, all things are possible.
So it is with the possiblity of salvation. One man is trying to save himself by all his good works and charity alone...just trying to be good enough to merit heaven. The other has called on the name of the Lord in repentance, determined to obey the plan of salvation. The first is not likely to be saved at all, attempting this task by his own abilities. The latter will definitely be saved by his Savior who is mighty to save.