Originally Posted by PaPaDon
Thank you for your post, Falla.
I too would rather abide my time as I sought to examine the scriptural validity of the assertions of others, however, when I have once become fully, and irrevocably persuaded of the biblical soundness of a particulat matter, I believe it entirely appropriate to stand up and defend such beliefs. As I have often said unto others, it is my firm belief that the greatest, most awesome of all human endeavors takes place when a mortal, such as we all are, opens the covers of the sacred Writ, and seeks to employ the things found written there in an effort designed to influence and/or persuade the fundamental beliefs of one's fellow man.
We shall each be called to task for the things we teach others as truth, and for this reason it is absolutely imperative that we exert our very best efforts to insure that everything we publish, whether written or oral, is fully supported by the sound principles of the Bible. It has been an extremely disquieting journey for me to be compelled to learn this lesson, for I unwittingly allowed myself to be deceived into embracing the flawed teachings of carnal-minded men for far too long, rather than to seek God's enlightenment. I pray that this same thing not happen to others, although I know that it is repeated many times over with each passing day.
I was not so fortunate as you, for I was not born and raised in this way which so many in our world today think of as being heresy. Indeed, one of the most grievous moments of my life came soon after my conversion to the Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal faith, for it was only then that I came to realize that two of the most beloved individuals I had ever known or been associated with, that is my loving parents, had gone to their graves after a lifetime of embracing and following after the flawed teachings of carnal-minded men. Oh! How I continue to grieve for them, knowing all the while that they each, in their own way, loved the Lord with all of their hearts, yet NOT in the power of the Holy Ghost. Only God is able to give me a sense of peace concerning them, yet at the same time, this is chief among the reasons why I am today so adamantly opposed to any and everything which maketh for a lie, and will always stand up in defense of the integrity of the sacred written Oracles of God! I do truly love God's written Word.
May God bless!
Bro Don
Bro. Don,
What a sensitive, insightful and thought-provoking post. Thank you!
Dear Brother, I pray my post would not sound condemning or condesending
in any way. Many times I guess I just think out loud and put my thoughts
into words perhaps without realizing those reading them might not know
just where I am coming from. Sometimes I myself wonder where I am coming
from! LOL!! For instance, the song, "Hornets". I picture someone in a room
full of them and running to and fro, trying to escape them. For they will bring
pain if they come within reach. But I also picture my dad when he was going
to correct me when I was a child. I would go around and around telling him
I was never going to do it again,(whatever I was being corrected for) and it
wasn't long until if I thought I could get away with climbing those big old
pecan trees, while Daddy was at work. But it was found out that Momma
was telling him. We were children and we thought as children. We wanted
to do what we considered enjoyable and climbing those large pecan trees
were enjoyable....until my brother just younger than myself fell out and
hurt himself. Then the question, "were you climbing in those trees". And
of course I knew there would be punishment. Disobedience brings punish-
ment. We were guilty and there would be a price to pay. But we would not
be utterly destroyed because we disobeyed. We would be punished for OUR
disobediece, but Daddy still loved us. I wondered back then when the punish-
ment was being meted out! LOL!!
Bro. Don, yes I was priviledged to be raised as an Apostolic Oneness Pente-
costal, but to whom is much given shall much be required. I have the uttmost
respect for the people of the church you came out of. You see, it was a
Church of Christ minister that convinced my grandmother, that the scriptures
taught baptism, by immersion She said because she didn't believe other
things they taught so she was not immersed then. But a few years later,
when an old white-haired man of God came to their small town, preaching
the Pentecostal message of
Acts 2, she went with her husband and fourteen
year old son, my father, out of curiosity. She heard things she had never
heard before. She searched it out, believed it and obeyed it. She was
already convinced of immersion, now she knew how and in what name it
was to be done. She broke with their family's religious tradition of almost
50 yrs. They thought she had gone off the deep end (lost her mind). But
she had really just finding the mind of Christ. Five generations followed this
mother and son.
Bro. Don, some things we just have to give to God. I believe part of the
work of the tormentor is to make us think about those dear ones who left
this world not knowing the truth as we know it. God is a Righteous Judge.
The Bible tells us His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. He is God.
What we can't help and what we cannot do anything about, we must trust
into the Hands of a Loving God. My grandfather, my beloved "Pa" never as
far as we knew received the Holy Ghost. He was baptized in Jesus Name.
He did many wonderful things, helping out family at desperate times. They
came out of the Great Depression. Times were hard. God brought them
through. But God used him and my grandmother, and her sister, my great-
aunt and others to help nurture and provide for our large family. They made
a difference in our lives as children growing up. When I read that if one gives
as much as a cup of cold water in His name, they will not lose their reward.
Jesus said to some folks one day that in as much as they had done or not
done some things to His brethren, it was the same as if they had done or
not done it unto Him. We have to look at all the scriptures and allow Him to
help us rightly divide the Word. He knows what it means. It's His Word. God
is no respector of persons. Yes, we reap what we sow, be it good or be it
evil. We've all sinned and come short of God's glory. As children we do not
understand how a parent could "whip" us and make us hurt and still love us.
But as we become mature adults, especially having children, we love our
children unconditionally. This does not mean they don't need to be corrected.
The Bible says that if a father does not correct his son or children, he doesn't
love them. And we're told that every son he loves he chastises. But if a son
refuses to be corrected, he is not Christ's son, but is illigitimate. He is of
another spirit.
One thing, when we become mature adults in Christ, we realize that some
things we thought about as a child are not really that way. The boogie man
is not under our bed and is not going to get us. I think of the scripture that
says "their fear is taught by the precepts of man." How man perceived it.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Also knowledge and under-
standing. The fear of man bringeth a snare (trap).
Just some more thoughts.