Originally Posted by Berkeley
He changed his mind [again] .... give it another week or two and he'll change his mind [again]
originally posted by Brother Price:
My Lord and My God! How dare anyone slam the UPC in such a manner?! The UPC stands for Apostolic truth, and the only thing they have ever asked of me is to be obedient to the scriptures. As such, I have. This is slander and outright hate.
I am asking my account be permanently deleted from this place, immediately! if this cannot be done, change my password.
I shall never ever return to this den of iniquity. Standards are slammed, and those who hold the banner of righteousness are attacked. So, I leave, and I advise all who love holiness to do the same as well. This is no place for us.[/
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Promises promises.....those were pretty harsh words.
Guess NEVER is not as long as we thought