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Old 04-11-2008, 08:46 PM
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Article: Ten Reasons Why I’m Not Voting

Here's an interesting article I thought I'd share for discussion...

Ten Reasons Why I’m Not Voting
Written by Mark Van Steenwyk : January 8, 2008

This is the time of year that I get into all sorts of conversations about my non-voting. In early 2007, those that disagreed with my non-voting stance were polite. But with the primary electricity in the air, an increasing number of those formerly polite people have become irritated with me. Before, I was simply challenging an idea, now I’m challenging their favorite candidate (usually Barack Obama or Ron Paul).

I was planning on ignoring the issue this year, but my new friend Mike Cline recently left this comment at Political Action and the Kingdom of God:

Ok Mark, time to talk about voting.

Would Jesus vote?

Should we vote?

I’m particularly interested in the idea that a libertarian type candidate would be a possible good vote for the Christian community, in as much as he/she lets the “State be the state, and the Church be the Church.”

I can certainly see the appeal of Ron Paul. Libertarianism allows greater freedom for religious folks while, at the same time, keeping the State out of our business. This would certainly bring a much-needed corrective to the unholy union between conservative politics and the religious right.

But I can also see the appeal that Obama has–young, open-minded, willing to spend government money for the least-of-these. He has lived throughout the world and has, it seems, an objective view of the United States. And, of course, I find it exciting to have a black president.

As much as I like some of the candidates, I’m not voting. Here’s why:

1. I don’t like being forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Voting is the biggest intentional way in which Americans affirm the current political system. To vote is to put faith in the change that can come through American Democracy.
2. Voting is always exercising power over others. And voting for president is to bestow a power that carries coercive force. I know, I know: by my status in the world (especially my purchasing power) I already have power over others). Just because I’m already wielding my power consciously and unconsciously elsewhere, doesn’t mean that I should just acquiesce to vote now. THat is like saying it is ok for a professional thief to make that one, last, big score. It may make the act easier, but it doesn’t make it right.I think it is possible for a faithful Christian to vote. Whether we like it or not, we’re enmeshed within the system. We must make thoughtful attempts to live counter-culturally, thoughtful (and often strategic attempts) to extricate ourselves from the system, and thoughtful attempts to speak prophetically into the system. But must only do so AS Kingdom people. I think local-level voting is a good thing, because of the nature of political engagement at a local level, but it gets dicier the higher up the ladder you climb.
3. Even if I felt like I could vote with a clear conscience, I would still consider not-voting as a prophetic act. Before you dismiss that stance as a stupid one, let me say this: because of my odd stance on voting, I’ve had dozens (perhaps hundreds) of conversations about this. And it always leads to the same place: people may disagree with my position on voting, but they almost always agree that the Church needs to be more involved in direct action and take a stronger role in bringing systematic change. As long as I see the Church predominately trusting in Consumer-Capitalism and Liberal Democracy as the primary systems of change in the world, I will opt out of voting as a prophetic challenge to the church. The last time I looked, Jesus commissioned the Church to be his agent in the world, not governments.
4. It seems dishonest for me to vote for president. We get upset when immigrants vote. I am, fundamentally an expat. I wouldn’t vote if I lived in France either.
5. Voting divides Christians. I know that my stance could be seen as divisive too, but you’d be surprised. I’ve only ever gotten into arguments over my position a few times, and I found that it brought me closer to my “opponent.” You reading this dlw?
6. My candidate isn’t on the ballot. I suppose I could go to the polls and just write-in “Jesus of Nazareth.”
7. Voting reinforces the current party system. Alasdair MacIntyre says it better than I can:Try to promote the pro-life case that we have described within the Democratic Party and you will at best go unheard and at worst be shouted down. Try to advance the case for economic justice as we have described it within the Republican Party and you will be laughed out of court. … In this situation a vote cast is not only a vote for a particular candidate, it is also a vote case for a system that presents us only with unacceptable alternatives. The way to vote against the system is not to vote.I like this argument. People usually challenge my non-voting by saying: a no-vote is still a vote. Indeed. Not voting is a vote against the system.
8. Voting can indirectly support the killing of Christians by Christians. Related to #2 and #5: When you vote, you are electing a person who, as commander-in-chief, will use his military powers to kill others. In particular, it is likely that s/he will use military powers to send Christian troops to a place where Christian adversaries will be killed. I know that this argument doesn’t do it for everyone. But the truth that Christians have slaughtered other Christians for the past 2000 years because of their conflicting affiliations to different States is evil. And I, for one, would like to resist that as much as possible. Sure, one way of getting at this would be to vote for someone like Ron Paul, but another way would be fore all Christians to opt out of military service.
9. Voting is often a waste of energy. And the amount of time and money that goes into campaigns is a waste that I wish Christians would forgo. We are ruled by an aristocracy. Since McCain–Feingold, it is even harder for an outsider to get elected. The presidential elections only give the appearance that we have a real choice. But the truth is, our choice is limited to the handful of candidates who make it to the primaries…and from there, our choices shrink. The alternative is, of course, to write-in your own candidate.
10. I don’t believe in America or its constitution. Sure, we have a better system than most (if not all) other nations. But I don’t believe in the American Dream or that American makes the world a better place. All candidates will only expand the American Empire. And even Ron Paul is interested in expanding the Empire economically.

I know that I come off as an extremist. But the fact that I sound like an extremist to so many Christians simply proves out enmeshed we are in Americanism. 100 years ago, my position wouldn’t have sounded as extreme. Even Mennonites–those Anabaptists who have long resisted the political system–have become increasingly politically active.

In the end, however, I don’t want to known as that-guy-who-doesn’t-vote, but as that-guy-who-wants-the-church-to-embrace-her-birthright. Vote if you must, but please be a part of making the church an active people who confront the Powers and problems of this world head-on.

Mark Van Steenwyk is the editor of JesusManifesto.com. He is a Mennonite pastor (Missio Dei in Minneapolis), writer, speaker, and grassroots educator. He and his wife Amy have been married since 1997. They are expecting their first child in April.
What are some of your thoughts about this Mennonite Pastor's position?
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 04-12-2008, 01:54 AM
Moe Moe is offline
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Re: Article: Ten Reasons Why I’m Not Voting

What a pitiful waste of airtime and paper. You let the Government remove our right to vote and see what is then said!!! How shallow we all are. If we really believed our vote made a difference, we would have been at the primary's and performed our duty. Voted and spoke our opinion to the world.

Seems like for the most part, Christians hold back and then when a Liberal or a "Lessor of any evil" gets voted in then we want to rant and rave about politics. This Country was founded on Christian men who formed our Government. Where are the Christian men NOW???? Who said you could not be "saved" and be in politics? Why don't we take part in the selection of who runs and donate money to the campaign?

There was more of a surge in the Christian World when George Bush was voted in.....it also raised many eyebrows in the dem's world as they were not use to us taking any part. They began to talk about seperation from Church and State. We Do have a voice!! To bad we only use it after the fact then we get bold and send emails all over the world saying who to boycott because of their beliefs.

Let's start standing up for a change and be bold on the onset.

If the Blacks who roughly make up of only 12 percent of our total population, then we could change our Nation by pulling together.

Does the Christian world have 12 percent that would pull together and work in unity to change our Nation? I for one am so tired of hearing what is wrong yet we do nothing to make it right.

Seems like the mindset of some Christians is that since the Bible says in the last days......we say well then there is nothing to do but sit here and watch it happen. How do we really know God's time. If to Him 1 year is as 1,000 then I at least want to try to make my time here on earth as quality as I can......you know..."Ocupy til I come"

So they took the "In God we trust" off the new dollar. Where were we???? Now the Christians are all calling to boycott the new dollar and not receive it. I think that is great but we should have been doing more at the onset.

Am I wrong? If so I will apoligize for this tirade. I just do feel very strong about it. I'm also now a grand parent and so worried at the legacy we are leaving our kids.

The break down isn't just in the homes and the teens, I feel it is also in the church. That is the one place that instills a moral foundation in us all. we are so busy teaching Jesus Name baptism/infilling of the Holy Ghost (and this is vital) but we spend the rest of the services preaching on the outward man and having runaway services but we don't tackle politics in any form. Look at Parsley. he is changing his personal world by coming down hardnon politics.

Oh well, rebuke me if I'm wrong. I will take it.

Thanks for listening......
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Old 04-12-2008, 09:16 AM
Moe Moe is offline
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Re: Article: Ten Reasons Why I’m Not Voting

I made an error. It should have read "If the Blacks who make up roughly 12% of our total population" CHANGED our world by working together in unity for a just cause" then we CAN change our political climate if we as Christians pull together in Unity and in One mind for a just cause.

Sorry, it was late, LOL
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