On another forum, I've been in discussion about the doctrine of the laying of long hair on people. One particular male poster stated that if that action is boosting the woman's faith, what's wrong with it.
I then asked him if he would place his head on someone as to cover them with his hair for healing and would it boost his faith. He said yes, it would.
I'm shocked. So I feel led to ask.....for men only please...if you were desperate and felt that God wasn't listening and honoring your faith, would you remind God that you have been faithful to His Word in not having long hair, and place your cut hair on a sick loved one for healing?
This is NOT a public poll, so your answers will remain confidential.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
As a matter of everyday practice? No. But if I felt God directing me to do so I absolutely would. He has had people do some unusual things to accomplish his will.
On another forum, I've been in discussion about the doctrine of the laying of long hair on people. One particular male poster stated that if that action is boosting the woman's faith, what's wrong with it.
I then asked him if he would place his head on someone as to cover them with his hair for healing and would it boost his faith. He said yes, it would.
I'm shocked. So I feel led to ask.....for men only please...if you were desperate and felt that God wasn't listening and honoring your faith, would you remind God that you have been faithful to His Word in not having long hair, and place your cut hair on a sick loved one for healing?
This is NOT a public poll, so your answers will remain confidential.
IMHO this thread is just trying to stir something up.
I will not even dignify it by voting..............
Bad Thread..............
Oh and by the way HO........some still believe the Word of God to mean what it says when it comes to a woman leaving her hair uncut........................
I will now leave again for the day................
I think a lot of people try to bargain with God and find things to "leverage" influence with him when a loved one is horribly sick or dying.
That is human nature and how valid that is I believe is determined by how one approaches God.
If it is a barter session you ae slap out of luck. If it is simply you reminding God that you are faithful and have devoted your life to doing things you think he is asking then I think that is fine. It is all in perspctive and attitude.
What scares me are the people and preachers who think we should "demand" things like healing from God. I have heard with my own ears Pentecostal preachers use scriptures about promises for healing to say that means we can demand healing from God. I think that is pretty much as surefire way to get smacked down or at least ignored by God!
Oh and by the way HO........some still believe the Word of God to mean what it says when it comes to a woman leaving her hair uncut........................
That'd be fine if it actually said anything about uncut hair on a woman... but it doesn't... so go ahead and keep adding to what the bible says... have fun with it. Enjoy it while you can.
IMHO this thread is just trying to stir something up.
I will not even dignify it by voting..............
Bad Thread..............
Oh and by the way HO........some still believe the Word of God to mean what it says when it comes to a woman leaving her hair uncut........................
I will now leave again for the day................
I actually thought it was an interesting point...why aren't there men reminding God of their obedience in keeping their hair short, and laying their heads on the sick? Or simply using their hair as a reminder to God that they're submitted?
For your information, there are quite a lot of folks who believe a woman should leave her hair uncut, but still object to some of the new concepts that seem to be developing.
In an act of desperation, would you do that? Remind God that you had always kept your hair short? I'm not saying its a bad thing...just seems kind of weird to me...and a woman doing that with her uncut hair seems equally...well...weird.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
I thought I had started a poll a few days ago about "If a person obeys Acts 2:38 but continues to lie and steal will he be saved"? for which I thought I would have 100% agreement that he would not be saved .........Believe it or not I think 4 people voted "MAYBE". That was very disturbing. If this poll gets 100% agreement, I am going to be very upset...LOL