Something I posted last year to bust on my online buddy, John Lent, at the Apostolic Preacher's Forum... but figured I'd recycle it here w/ some AFF additions:
The First Annual Anti-Christmas Conference
December 25, 2007
Havanna, Cuba
Rev. F. Castro, Host Pastor
Breakfast - Not served [eat before your arrival]
Morning - Split Sessions
* Rev. Grinch - "5 Easy Steps to Ruining
Christmas, Especially for the Children"
* Rev. E. Scrooge - "Who gives ...?"
* Rev. D. Chopra - "Winter Solstice: A
Christmas Alternative"
* Rev. M. Stewart- "Austerity: Creating the Non-festive Look"
* Rev. B. Clinton - "Dealing with Mistletoe Addiction"
* Rev. O. Bin Laden - "Yuletide Jihad: Replacing the Manger with Ramadan"
* Rev. L. Farrakhan - "The Alien
Christmas Conspiracy"
* Rev. N. Strossen - "The ACLU: Putting the X in X-mas"
Lunch - Not Served [bring your own bag lunch]
Afternoon - "Open" Forum
Panelists include: Rev. Madonna, Rev. K. Jong Il, Rev. H. Chavez, and assorted Guantanamo Detainees
Evening - General Session
Special singing by:
Barbara Streisand, Metallica, Gypsie Kings, The Watch Tower Quartet
the AFF Ultra-Con Mass Choir [Rev. Rico, Director]
Featured Speakers:
Rev. E. Benincasa
"10 Guilt-Free Excuses for Why You Can't Attend Their 'Unity' Holiday Event"