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Old 07-19-2013, 11:17 AM
n david n david is offline
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Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs


Meet Marissa Alexander, another Angela Corey victim.

You think the George Zimmerman trial was absurd, check this out...

Marissa Alexander just delivered a baby days before her abusive husband violated his restraining order and got in a fight at her home.

She fired one warning shot. No one was injured.

She claimed Stand Your Ground, but the Judge rejected it. A 6-person Jury found Alexander guilty of Aggravated Assault and she was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

I'll say it. She shouldn't have just fired a warning shot. She should have shot to kill her abusive, restraining-order-violating husband.

Alexander has a Master's Degree and 3 children. She has not been able to see her infant since the conviction.

Why is she a victim of Angela Corey? Corey wanted Alexander to cop a plea deal: 3 years in prison on a felony conviction.

There was a reason Alexander said no. If she took the plea deal, she would have to give up custody of her baby. What mother would do that?

So she refused and Corey threw the book at her and the Judge rejected her Stand Your Ground defense.

Tell me, where's MSNBC on this issue? Where's the outrage of Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and Holder. Why hasn't there been any protests against the conviction of this seemingly accomplished, brave, strong, black woman?

Marissa Alexander deserves the attention TM is getting. This woman, not Martin, deserves the protests, petitions, and media attention.

Why is she not getting it? It was a black on black "crime."

Last edited by n david; 07-19-2013 at 11:21 AM.
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Old 07-19-2013, 11:43 AM
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

I hope she wins her appeal.
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Old 07-19-2013, 11:45 AM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

How is this stand your ground though?
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Old 07-19-2013, 12:36 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
How is this stand your ground though?
It was in her home. Her abusive husband who violated the restraining order she had against him came at her. IMO it's classic SYG case. She shouldn't have to flee her home to get away from this guy.
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Old 07-19-2013, 01:05 PM
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

I think where she messed up was she went outside to her car and got her gun after the incident happened, so she could have left with her kids.
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Old 07-19-2013, 01:07 PM
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

She should of had her gun on her and when he put his hands on her, she put a round between his eyes
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Old 07-19-2013, 02:03 PM
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

Originally Posted by n david View Post

Meet Marissa Alexander, another Angela Corey victim.

You think the George Zimmerman trial was absurd, check this out...

Marissa Alexander just delivered a baby days before her abusive husband violated his restraining order and got in a fight at her home.

She fired one warning shot. No one was injured.

She claimed Stand Your Ground, but the Judge rejected it. A 6-person Jury found Alexander guilty of Aggravated Assault and she was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

I'll say it. She shouldn't have just fired a warning shot. She should have shot to kill her abusive, restraining-order-violating husband.

Alexander has a Master's Degree and 3 children. She has not been able to see her infant since the conviction.

Why is she a victim of Angela Corey? Corey wanted Alexander to cop a plea deal: 3 years in prison on a felony conviction.

There was a reason Alexander said no. If she took the plea deal, she would have to give up custody of her baby. What mother would do that?

So she refused and Corey threw the book at her and the Judge rejected her Stand Your Ground defense.

Tell me, where's MSNBC on this issue? Where's the outrage of Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and Holder. Why hasn't there been any protests against the conviction of this seemingly accomplished, brave, strong, black woman?

Marissa Alexander deserves the attention TM is getting. This woman, not Martin, deserves the protests, petitions, and media attention.

Why is she not getting it? It was a black on black "crime."
I don't know all the details since we did not watch the trial but yeah I want to know why the race hustlers did not protest this one
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Old 07-19-2013, 03:16 PM
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I don't know all the details since we did not watch the trial but yeah I want to know why the race hustlers did not protest this one

Must be the same reason they steer clear of the Chicago killings.... black on black!

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Old 07-19-2013, 04:32 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

WOW!!! Unbelievable!!!

No, it’s not Alexander’s abusive husband Rico Gray—who said in his deposition, “I got five baby mammas, and I [hit] every last one of them except for one”—that makes Corey see red. What really fries her bacon is the idea that anyone questions her overzealous prosecution of a battered woman acting in self-defense.


Where are the racists here?
Why aren't they petitioning here?

Based upon what I have read this woman was in her home and an abusive jerk admittedly threatens her and moves towards her. She fires a warning shot in the air (no one is injured) and goes to jail for twenty years!!! Seriously!?!?!? Florida needs to disbar that prosecutor and make her clean toilets the rest of her life. Then they need to apologize to this woman and set her free! I guess we will not see the racists do anything here because she is a black woman that was defending herself against a black man...
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Old 07-19-2013, 05:40 PM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: Marissa Alexander: Victim serving 20yrs

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
WOW!!! Unbelievable!!!

No, it’s not Alexander’s abusive husband Rico Gray—who said in his deposition, “I got five baby mammas, and I [hit] every last one of them except for one”—that makes Corey see red. What really fries her bacon is the idea that anyone questions her overzealous prosecution of a battered woman acting in self-defense.


Where are the racists here?
Why aren't they petitioning here?

Based upon what I have read this woman was in her home and an abusive jerk admittedly threatens her and moves towards her. She fires a warning shot in the air (no one is injured) and goes to jail for twenty years!!! Seriously!?!?!? Florida needs to disbar that prosecutor and make her clean toilets the rest of her life. Then they need to apologize to this woman and set her free! I guess we will not see the racists do anything here because she is a black woman that was defending herself against a black man...
The prosecutor didn't sentence her. The judge and jury did.
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