Back from Asia, Missions Report!*Pictures*
Just got back today, very tired and our bodies are experiencing the worst of Jet lag.
But had a # of good things happen.
These are precious people, mostly Chinese and young. Mostly 20 somethings, with a mix of Doctor's, Therapists, Educators etc.
7 Recieved the Baptism of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost Sunday.
Some healings and acts of power during the Healing and Prophetic services.
Received a great compliment from a Doctor (Oncologist) on God healing through me, a real treasure. Will say more about this later!
Took a ton of pictures and will post more later about this.
Singapore is neat town, but sad to see materialism and other detestable Western values take it over. But irregardless, many hungry souls.
Learned a lot about the local works in Malayasia and Indonesia, good things are happening in those works.
One interesting thing that I learned is had influential and powerful Jenny Miller has been in that area.