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Old 10-13-2011, 05:34 PM
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Rewriting Worldly Songs?


This is a Black Sabbath song about a guy losing his mind, and I rewrote it to glorify the Lord. Whaddya think? About the song and the whole concept of rewriting songs like this(I have more where this one came from)
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Old 10-13-2011, 06:08 PM
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

worldly indeed.
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:06 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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I didn't click the link, but I agree with TS. I think its lame when christians try to christianize secular music. I hate it when I'm listening to "christian radio" and the play some recycled 80s pop song because it has the word love, faith, or pray. For example recently I heard "in the name of love" I think Billy Idol originally sung it another had the line (don't know the title but unfortunately I know 80s pop when I hear it) "if I ever lose my faith in you". Like I said I think its lame, just like "christian" t shirts that are spoofs like "Jesus Christ" in coca cola script with the slogan "he's the real thing." I digress, back to the music.....yeah, borrow songs from the world and at the same time try to convince them we have something they don't and can't live without. Not very credible or convincing IMO.
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:24 PM
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I didn't click the link, but I agree with TS. I think its lame when christians try to christianize secular music. I hate it when I'm listening to "christian radio" and the play some recycled 80s pop song because it has the word love, faith, or pray. For example recently I heard "in the name of love" I think Billy Idol originally sung it another had the line (don't know the title but unfortunately I know 80s pop when I hear it) "if I ever lose my faith in you". Like I said I think its lame, just like "christian" t shirts that are spoofs like "Jesus Christ" in coca cola script with the slogan "he's the real thing." I digress, back to the music.....yeah, borrow songs from the world and at the same time try to convince them we have something they don't and can't live without. Not very credible or convincing IMO.
Just like when David "borrowed" Goliath's own sword to slay him with? A weapon created with the intention of killing God's people, used by the man of God to destroy God's enemies. I've had people become interested in hearing the Gospel because of songs like this, and when they get saved, the devil's own sword has been used against him. I will use whatever I can to reach people. I've never found the self-righteous holier than thou sword to be very effective, but to each his own.
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Old 10-13-2011, 09:41 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Just like when David "borrowed" Goliath's own sword to slay him with? A weapon created with the intention of killing God's people, used by the man of God to destroy God's enemies. I've had people become interested in hearing the Gospel because of songs like this, and when they get saved, the devil's own sword has been used against him. I will use whatever I can to reach people. I've never found the self-righteous holier than thou sword to be very effective, but to each his own.
I find nothing "wrong" with it. The problem is that it always seems to cheapen things. Just like when someone tries to make a healthy version of a classic meal, it is almost always horrible! Yet, I have eaten some incredibly delicious dishes that just happened to be vegan, quite by accident! Don't try to emulate, try to create!

Get away from the boring Hillsong guitar strumming music.... Make your own!!
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Old 10-15-2011, 07:58 PM
Narrow Is The Way Narrow Is The Way is offline
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Just like when David "borrowed" Goliath's own sword to slay him with? A weapon created with the intention of killing God's people, used by the man of God to destroy God's enemies. I've had people become interested in hearing the Gospel because of songs like this, and when they get saved, the devil's own sword has been used against him. I will use whatever I can to reach people. I've never found the self-righteous holier than thou sword to be very effective, but to each his own.
This is one of the dumbest comparisons I have ever heard.

You aren't scaring the devil one bit.

Ok, lets take everything the world does and do it our way to reach the lost.

Let's bottle up some pepsi in an alcohol bottle and pretend like we drink so somebody can be saved.

Get back to the Old Paths buddy. Learn how to pray and fast and you won't need the worlds songs to validate your ministry.

Sing a song about the Blood of Jesus. Get yourself a songbook and sing a real song, not something copied from some pot smoking homosexual, mixed with a little bit of Jesus to make him happy.
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:49 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by Narrow Is The Way View Post
This is one of the dumbest comparisons I have ever heard.

You aren't scaring the devil one bit.

Ok, lets take everything the world does and do it our way to reach the lost.

Let's bottle up some pepsi in an alcohol bottle and pretend like we drink so somebody can be saved.

Get back to the Old Paths buddy. Learn how to pray and fast and you won't need the worlds songs to validate your ministry.

Sing a song about the Blood of Jesus. Get yourself a songbook and sing a real song, not something copied from some pot smoking homosexual, mixed with a little bit of Jesus to make him happy.
So, aside from the lyrics, what makes a song worldly?

(And I didn't know that any of the members of Guns and Roses were gay. If you know something I don't please provide references.)
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Old 10-16-2011, 12:33 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
So, aside from the lyrics, what makes a song worldly?

(And I didn't know that any of the members of Guns and Roses were gay. If you know something I don't please provide references.)
Maybe he was a groupie.
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Old 10-16-2011, 09:50 AM
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

This is one of the dumbest comparisons I have ever heard.
Really? Because it came from God. I was praying and fasting and asking God if I should stop playing this style of music, and He immediately showed me a vision of David taking Goliath's sword from his sheath and beheading him with it. I was very much in the Spirit and the message was absolutely clear. USE THE DEVIL"S OWN WEAPON AGAINST HIM!

You aren't scaring the devil one bit.
You're really not scared? Or are you just bluffing as usual?

Ok, lets take everything the world does and do it our way to reach the lost.Let's bottle up some pepsi in an alcohol bottle and pretend like we drink so somebody can be saved.
No, David didn't use an idol of Dagon to beat Goliath over the head with it, nor did he use one of the Philistines profane pig sacrifices, just the sword.

Get back to the Old Paths buddy.
Like putting Christian lyrics to old Pagan Celtic folk tunes? Because that's how just about all the "ol time hymns" were written

Learn how to pray and fast and you won't need the worlds songs to validate your ministry.
I guess I'll shove the publican out of the way and ask the Pharisee in the Temple about how to do that.

Sing a song about the Blood of Jesus.

Get yourself a songbook and sing a real song

you mean like the one in this video, or is it worldly because it has its roots in the old plantation black slave music style, rather than the Celtic folk music of white Pagans?

not something copied from some pot smoking homosexual, mixed with a little bit of Jesus to make him happy.
What berkeley said.
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Old 10-16-2011, 04:18 PM
Narrow Is The Way Narrow Is The Way is offline
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Re: Rewriting Worldly Songs?

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Really? Because it came from God. I was praying and fasting and asking God if I should stop playing this style of music, and He immediately showed me a vision of David taking Goliath's sword from his sheath and beheading him with it. I was very much in the Spirit and the message was absolutely clear. USE THE DEVIL"S OWN WEAPON AGAINST HIM!

You're really not scared? Or are you just bluffing as usual?

No, David didn't use an idol of Dagon to beat Goliath over the head with it, nor did he use one of the Philistines profane pig sacrifices, just the sword.

Like putting Christian lyrics to old Pagan Celtic folk tunes? Because that's how just about all the "ol time hymns" were written

I guess I'll shove the publican out of the way and ask the Pharisee in the Temple about how to do that.



you mean like the one in this video, or is it worldly because it has its roots in the old plantation black slave music style, rather than the Celtic folk music of white Pagans?

What berkeley said.
Exactly. You have just made my point. Quit trying to beat the devil over the head while using the worlds idols and their songs as your so-called weapon. He isn't afraid. He's laughing at you.
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