Originally Posted by Felicity
Tongues and interpretation and prophecy ..... the spoken gifts which are always more "visible" were in operation regularly. Perhaps not every single service but regularly.
I've seen miracles of healing but we don't see blind eyes or deaf ears opened often. That's true in the North American church in general and I think it's because we don't HAVE to depend on God as much as many people do in other parts of the world.
As to why we don't see the gifts operated more frequently or more powerfully ......... like I said in my first post I believe it's directly linked to lack of consecration and prayer.
Perhaps some of the preachers will give some input in answer to your questions.
First off anytime the gifts are used, resident, or moving in a service it only happens through HG filled people, i.e. "Gifts of the Spirit." Secondly and maybe the most important, it will happen to the willing, open-hearted, and those with faith in their heart.
Now, Felicity, you are on the right track here, but missing one thing....the spoken gifts are the most notable, as you have stated, but the unspoken gifts could be used in everyservice and not be noticed as much or at all. Example, during song praise and worship the congrecation begans to worship and it begans grow and a deeper worship hits. The leader of the service sometimes will use the gift of Knowledge and Widsom to say whether we will continue in that vein or change the order of a service.
I have known ministers, and lay people to operate in the unspoken gifts frequently and not know exactly what it is that they are doing. Some people make choices and decisions based on what they feel is conscience, but alot of times it is that gift working in them helping them to make that choice. That is one reason why I think the church as a whole needs to have more teaching on the gifts.
Myself I have been used in spoken gifts, and unspoken gifts. There are times I have prophetic words, but other times I know what people are doing in secret times, etc. That all flows from the gifts given by the Spirit. I have heard it said that there is not one person other than Jesus that all the gifts reside in. That can be true, but the most important factor is faith!