Originally Posted by Praxeas
We dont wrestle against logos and symbols
No, we don't wrestle against logos and symbols. That is wrestling against the flesh and blood of those that make their living promoting those symbols. .
But we are to wrestle against the "powers of the air" that controls the people that loves these things, and sweeps those that are unaware of the spirit behind them, into their clutches. And I am not even talking about "logos and symbols" I'm talking about the power behind it.
The people that promote and those that enjoy those things are already taken over by a high power, that they are not even aware of.
When Paul cast the demon out of the girl that was helping the makers of idols.
He didn't go there with the idea, "I'll get rid of those idols." or, "I will put hose guys out of business"
But the makers of idols knew that if they let Paul continue to help people get saved, and cast out demons, they would be out of business.
And given todays mindset of a lot of Christians, they wouldn't get rid of the idol. They would say, "that thing can't hurt me." But if you don't have some attachment to it, why keep it in your house?