Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER
I have been thinking about the days of old and how we had revivials that lasted 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes with no rest nights. Once we saw I believe over 30 people receive the Holy Ghost for the first time at our church, many healings, many miracles, and several backslidders pray through.
Will anybody be willing to share a recollection about past revivals? I know the definition of revival is up for debate. I'm talking about church services where the Spirit moved and everyone there or most everyone felt it. Agreed we should be witnessing this continuously, but do we? The times of revival did not have to mean a special evangelist came in, but share that, if you will.
I would love to hear from some of the Older Folks (like me) who witnessed revivals in past decades - places, names of evangelists, etc. OR, if it's happening now at your church, tell about it.
This summer, our Pastor asked everyone to give each other a high-5 in a Sunday morning service. Then afterwards he explained it....
We call it Gimme 5:
1. Pray Up (EVERYONE pray at least 10 minutes a day, yup just 10 minutes. We are to pray for our local assembly)
2. Read Up (EVERYONE read together 1 chapter of the Bible everyday)
3. Show Up (Everyone attend the 4 services we have a week..we consider Saturday night prayer a service)
4. Give Up (Time, Talent, Treasure)
5. Build Up (Make at least 1 friend...not just to invite to church, but a real friend that interacts, cares, helps, fellowships)
Yes, this sounds pretty basic, and even ordinary...does it work????
******5 received the Holy Ghost last Sunday and one was baptized. 31 people have received the Holy Ghost since September and over 60 new members have been added to our membership since July*******
Everyone in the church is going around saying, "Gimme 5"
We are in a town of only 50-60,000 people...trust me, we will effect this city/country