Ray Comfort's Take on Modern Day Evangelism
Ray Comfort's take on Modern Day Evangelism Methods
Altar-Call Music: "I've noticed the power of music. I find myself weeping while I'm watching Little House on the Prairie. I push the mute button and suddenly I'm back to being a man. You can move mountains with music--and you can also manipulate. Imagine if I said to my son after he broke an expensive vase: 'I told you not to touch that vase. Are you sorry for what you've done? Hold on a minute. Before you say anything, let me put on some music to help you make your decision.' I don't want to stir his emotions. I want to speak to his will and his conscience."
The 'Sinner's Prayer': "Instead of saying, 'Say this prayer after me,' I say, 'You might want to say this prayer.' If a man has committed adultery, do I have to give him a card to read to his wife, 'Dear wife, I'm sorry I committed adultery'? She's not interested in his words; she's interested in his heart. It's not a rote prayer; it's a prayer of contrition."
Follow-up: "If someone is truly converted, they won't need me to nurse them into the church. Your methodology will be directed by your theology. If you believe that people come to Jesus because of something you say, you'll feel that their whole salvation is dependent on you. If you say that conviction is of the Holy Spirit, salvation is of the Lord and no one can come unless the Father draws him--then it releases you to let go."
Friendship Evangelism: "I'm not a big fan of relationship evangelism. Obviously, we have to relate to sinners, but who are the hardest people to witness to? Isn't it your relations? So why would we make strangers into relations? It's easier to witness to a stranger. Besides, the person I build a relationship with over a period of months or years could drop dead--then he's gone for eternity. I can build a relationship with someone in two minutes. I buy them a meal or give them a couple bucks."
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My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.