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Old 11-15-2007, 10:53 AM
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BISHOP RICK HAWKINS! More accusations, MAJOR Scandal - NOT looking Good !!!!

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Old 11-15-2007, 10:54 AM
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try this link
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:04 AM
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READ THIS !!!!!!

New Victims Come Forward In Church Sex Scandal

Reported by: Brian Collister
Email: BrianCollister@woai.com
Last Update: 11/13 5:51 am

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New Allegations Surfacing Against Local Pastor

The man at the center of a sex and money church scandal is speaking out, not to the Trouble Shooters, but to his congregation. Preacher Rick Hawkins of the Family Praise Center is defending his church and his decisions.

So are other victims. New allegations are surfacing against Hawkins by victims who say they were involved in sexual misconduct by him.

Read the original investigation...

Group of Pastors Make Decisions on Embattled Pastor...

Trouble Shooter Brian Collister is uncovering more in his investigation into Hawkins, as the spiritual leader breaks his silence.

After not responding to several requests for an interview with News 4, the preacher is turning to the faithful to try and recover from his sex scandal.

At Sunday's church service, Hawkins came out swinging, claiming our Trouble Shooters investigation into his sexual misconduct was inaccurate. Hawkins banned cameras, but we did get a hold of audio of his sermon.

"Now, I used the word "story" a moment ago because in large part that is in our opinion what it was. A story full of inaccuracies and fiction," Hawkins told his congregation. At the same time, he admitted to sinning, although he would not say exactly how he sinned and with whom.

"I ask for your forgiveness, again. You know how many times I've stood before you and confessed my sins on this stage," said Hawkins.

This came in response to our investigation, which found the nationally known preacher has had several extra-marital affairs with married women in his church and asked a woman for phone sex while counseling her.

We also found Hawkins paid some of his victims off with church funds to be quiet about it all. He told his congregation those payments were standard for employees who quit, and approved by his board and overseers.

What he left out was that we've confirmed those employees who got the payments were the husbands of women with whom he'd had affairs. Those payments included a confidentiality agreement to keep them quiet, and keep Hawkins preaching and saying little about his problems.

The Trouble Shooters tried again Monday unsuccessfully to interview Hawkins. He did not return our calls. We wanted to ask him about several more victims who have come forward since our original story aired.

One woman, who asked us not to show her face or reveal her name because she feared retaliation, said Hawkins used to be her pastor more than 10 years ago. She left his church when, she said, he made inappropriate sexual advances while counseling her for a personal problem.

The woman told us, "He asked me if my husband could bring me to orgasm, and I felt it was very inappropriate. It made feel really uneasy and scared."

She went on to say other women told her the same thing happened to them.

"They said that he had inappropriate conduct toward them. You know, it was the same as it was with me," said the woman.

Since we broke the story last week, we've received calls and e-mails from several more victims who say they, or their wives or girlfriends, were the target of Rick Hawkins' sexual advances. Some of the allegations go back to when Hawkins was a young preacher in Louisiana, before coming to San Antonio and building his church empire.

Send us your comments on this investigation, or read comments of others.

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Old 11-15-2007, 11:18 AM
SecretWarrior SecretWarrior is offline
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Isn't this PAULA WHITE"S "Friend" ???

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Old 11-15-2007, 11:29 AM
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Let me guess, I bet his overseers are Earl Paulk, Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Haggard.
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
Let me guess, I bet his overseers are Earl Paulk, Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Haggard.

That sure was Mean Keith

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Old 11-15-2007, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by SecretWarrior View Post

Isn't this PAULA WHITE"S "Friend" ???


Depends what you mean by "Friend" ??

I think she is Based out of this church ???
no mention of her in the article
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Old 11-15-2007, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
Depends what you mean by "Friend" ??

I think she is Based out of this church ???
no mention of her in the article
As a friend of Paula White I can speak on this. Rick Hawkins has been in their fellowship for many years. She doesn't approve of this behavior and has a home there because she has many family members in san Antonio.
This IS NOT her home church. The Media is saying this, but this isn't true.
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Old 11-15-2007, 01:11 PM
Weary Pilgrim Weary Pilgrim is offline
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Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
As a friend of Paula White I can speak on this. Rick Hawkins has been in their fellowship for many years. She doesn't approve of this behavior and has a home there because she has many family members in san Antonio.
This IS NOT her home church. The Media is saying this, but this isn't true.

Church's founder defends its finances and his ministry

Web Posted: 11/11/2007 11:59 PM CST

Abe Levy

As Family Praise Center geared up Sunday to celebrate its 14th anniversary, its embattled founder and leader, Bishop Rick Hawkins, changed course to make a 10-minute statement from the pulpit defending his ministry record and the church's finances.
Hawkins sought to reassure the congregation in the wake of a WOAI-TV report last week. While apologizing to the faithful for past "sins and mistakes," Hawkins said the story's charges were "full of inaccuracies and fiction" designed to boost TV ratings during "sweeps" week.

Regardless of the report, Hawkins' nondenominational church has been in turmoil in recent years as some members, disappointed in his leadership, departed for other churches. It was further fueled by his divorce in February. His son, Dustin, whom he had designated pastor, was divorced the same month. Their ex-wives no longer attend Family Praise Center, on Loop 410 near Bandera Road.

About that same time, nationally known TV evangelist Paula White of Tampa, Fla., became a regular preacher there, speaking almost monthly and becoming a spiritual mentor to Dustin Hawkins. White, who until recently was pastor of Without Walls International Church, filled Family Praise Center with people who lined up for her book signings and live CD recordings. The center reportedly started with nearly 60 people and now claims to draw up to 3,000 people for weekend services.

White, too, was recently divorced from her husband of 18 years, Randy, who remains bishop of the nondenominational megachurch in Tampa. Citing the Whites' divorce in part, the Tampa Tribune reported Sunday that Without Walls has sustained significant losses in attendance and donations to the point that Randy White says he is struggling to pay the church's bills.
Rick Hawkins is a board member of White's nonprofit PWM Life Center Inc., created in February, according to documents from the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations.

White's blond hair and smiling face was bannered across Family Praise Center's Web site just last week as the featured speaker for the 14th anniversary service. But Sunday, she did not appear because, Hawkins said, he asked her not to in light of the news report.

On Friday, however, White's staff asserted that she didn't cancel but that San Antonio had not been on her itinerary. She did not appear in Tampa on Sunday either.

White is dealing with a request from the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, which is looking into the finances of Without Walls and Paula White Ministries. The committee sent her a letter Nov. 5 requesting financial records about her jet travel, a Rolls Royce she gave as a gift and a luxury home she bought near Boerne in August, among other items. Her ministry is one of six nationwide that the committee is reviewing for compliance with nonprofit tax rules.

On Sunday, Hawkins began his statement with a sometimes emotional description of finding his favorite dog shot to death "execution-style" at the front door of his house at his Boerne ranch.

"This is out of control. It's not right," he told the audience, choking up at times. "You don't go and start killing stuff. That dog meant a lot to me."

Matt King, chief deputy for the Kendall County Sheriff's Office, confirmed that the incident is under investigation for possible animal cruelty.

"It may have something to do with some of the turmoil he may have been involved with," King said, based on a statement Dustin Hawkins gave deputies.

During Rick Hawkins' remarks about the TV report, he stressed that the church has been "steadfast in our stewardship of the church's funds" and that "payments made to departing employees were made pursuant to established severance policy and with the approval of our board and the oversight of our counsel. While there have been divorces within our church, including my own, those are personal matters and should not be newsworthy."

Hawkins said he has been meeting with unnamed pastors from local churches and other people who feel "estranged" from his church, describing the meetings as "positive and very healing."

"Yes, we are human. We have our failures, our struggles, but we truly do seek the path of righteousness, and we will continue to do so," he said.

WOAI reporter Brian Collister stood by his story as true and said he gave Hawkins up to a dozen opportunities to respond, all of which he declined.

An Express-News reporter attended the 9 a.m. Sunday service at Family Praise Center and asked to interview Hawkins afterward. Will Norris, the church's communications director, said the request was declined and that future attempts to report at the church would be prohibited.

During his statement Sunday, Hawkins cautioned church members "to refrain from participating in negative communication that would only serve to cause harm to the kingdom. Remember, God is our defense." Applause followed.

To show support for Hawkins, the church had made its own videos with testimonials from church members saying they would remain steadfast in their loyalty and enumerated ways they appreciated him.

"Wherever you go, we will go. Whatever you do, we will support it. Whatever you believe, we believe. Whatever you touch, we speak God's blessings and prosperity over it," said a 10-year member in a video testimonial as soft, instrumental music played in the background.

One video production showcased an 11-year-old sermon by Hawkins, quoting him in dramatic fashion with music and archived video clips as saying "You can't stop me. I'm a blessed man."


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