Originally Posted by TreyKerux
I have several questions for you pastors in regards to ministerial training.... since we are here from all over the country I am interested to see how the answers will vary.....
How many of you pastors personally train your ministry team? Other than just sending them off to seminars and the like, what type of in-house training material do you use? What type of mentoring programs do you do? What other resources do you utilize for training (books/audios)?
Now for the non-pastors in the ministry(pastors are still open to answer as well, not many do go straight from the pew to the pastor's desk): What method of training did you receive? Which one was best for you personally, what type of training would you recommend? What books/audios helped you more?
Again, I am interested to see the variety of answers....
Despite seeking training in Bible Colleges, district and national meetings and from my own pastor I never received one bit of training whatsoever. I take that back- I remember once in Bible school we each preached a 15 minute sermon and were evaluated by the class.
My "ministry" began when a guy didn't show up to lead the Sunday morning service. They pushed me up there to lead songs. After a couple of weeks they seemed to like what I said between the songs more than the way I "sang," so I was told to "put something together." That lasted for the next 12 or 15 years.