I was recently inspired by a visit to a UPCi church to start a thread concerning the decible levels in churches today.
I'm wondering what the various view points are with regards to the dB levels that are achieved in the sanctuaries of today's churches thanks to the advent of the precious sound system.
If we are against smoking, for example, because it is harmful to the temple, then how much moreso should we guard the precious gift of hearing? Especially with our children.
How do you or how have you addressed a harmful dB level situation in a church?
I was recently inspired by a visit to a UPCi church to start a thread concerning the decible levels in churches today.
I'm wondering what the various view points are with regards to the dB levels that are achieved in the sanctuaries of today's churches thanks to the advent of the precious sound system.
If we are against smoking, for example, because it is harmful to the temple, then how much moreso should we guard the precious gift of hearing? Especially with our children.
How do you or how have you addressed a harmful dB level situation in a church?
I was the sound guy. Instructed by the p/w leader to crank it up. If anyone complained about pain (which they did), I was to "pay them no mind". I quit, soon after that.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I was the sound guy. Instructed by the p/w leader to crank it up. If anyone complained about pain (which they did), I was to "pay them no mind". I quit, soon after that.
Thanks for sharing that. It's really unbelievable and I really feel that it needs to be addressed. I wonder to what extent people, that would have otherwise been saved, walk out for that very reason, while Pentecostals try and spiritualize it and say that it was the devil or something like conviction for example?
I was the sound guy. Instructed by the p/w leader to crank it up. If anyone complained about pain (which they did), I was to "pay them no mind". I quit, soon after that.
I have the damaged hearing of a real Rock n' Roll refugee. Yet, I don't listen to much music of any kind at all. It all comes from the church experience.
I used to turn it down whenever I saw someone visibly jump in pain during the preaching. That would of course result in the preacher demanding more volume. So, I'd pump up his monitors. But they could tell you were just turning up the monitors and demand that the house be turned back up as well.
All of this was justified with some sort of challenge like, "We want to be sure the devil hears us..." Or, "God is not some old man frightened by loud noises... TURN IT UP!!!" This would get the predictable few to "shout" in response which was evidence that those in pain were "not of God."
Just notice, the same ones sitting out in the hall at the back of the church are the same ones who complain about how loud it is. Who you going to listen to? Someone who is always in the House of God? Or someone who hangs around in the hallway in the back of the church?
In reguards to the loudness of a service, I have always wondered what a pentecostal service would be like if done Acapella, now that would be neat to try
John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
In reguards to the loudness of a service, I have always wondered what a pentecostal service would be like if done Acapella, now that would be neat to try
The old german baptist brethren sing without music exclusively. It's nice, though their style is weird, monotone and severly drawn out. I don't really care for it, but normal singing without music would be refreshing in contrast to music turned up too loud.
The old german baptist brethren sing without music exclusively. It's nice, though their style is weird, monotone and severly drawn out. I don't really care for it, but normal singing without music would be refreshing in contrast to music turned up too loud.
I have visited a church of Christ a few times and their music is so beautiful, They are acapella and honestly being so used to the loud music of an Apostolic church, I did not think I would like it. But just everyone singing without music is really a nice sound
John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.