Jesus taught a lesson that men ought to always pray and not faint, and at the close, He asked...
"...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (
Luke 18:8).
The Amplified Bible asks, will He find us "persistent in faith...?!"
A lot of things can deter us or cause us to not be as strong in faith, or as persistent as we ought.
But this is not the day for losing our way or giving up on the faith that was measured to each of us.
Because this is a personal thing, I have to ask myself, when this is all over, how will He find me?!
Will He find me sluggish in my walk...uncertain of my steps?!
Will I be found doubting about the Way?!
Will He find me more concerned with the issues of life than in Kingdom work?!
Will I be found listening to the voice of the deceiver of man rather than the giver of life eternal?!
How will He find me?!
Will my steps be clearly set and my faith strong?!
Will He find me seeing about the Father's business?!
Will I be diligently pursuing His call and obeying His voice?!
How will He find me?!