Originally Posted by Caston Smith
Greetings fellow Apostolics. I have a simple question in which I want to ask.
I want to know what is everyone's thoughts on taking narcotic pain killers?
Is this a sin? Could it be true that by taking these type of medications it's the same as drug abuse?
Abusing any drug would be drug abuse. Using a drug as prescribed is merely "use." Powerful narcotics are usually habit forming- that's where the problems come up. If someone is recovering from surgery or a serious injury the narcotic types a painkillers are a real blessing.
I was in the hospital almost two years ago. The rest I was able to get with some of the milder narcotic painkillers they gave me saved my life.
I can only imagine what some of the stronger stuff may mean to a cancer patient in a terminal state who wants to spend a few days with his family before leaving this world.
Consult with a good doctor. They aren't in the business of creating addicts, their counsel is helpful.