Hey girl were you able to figure anything out of the couple of pages of notes I sent ya?
Hope so LOL....
Good luck! I came home for a 30 min nap and am going to the church in about 15 min to finish re wrecking the car as I messed up some of it... then I gots to make sure everything is ready to go... so excited... so tired.... so frustrated... Oh get this!!! MY helpers... one showed up at 3 when I was leaving... the other one.. we passed on the way to get kids from school!!! walking to the church.... what part of 9 am do they not understand!!!! So i had an awesome kiddo at the church helping me all day!
Oh and.... I offically hate home de pot and wal mart!!! Dont ever wanna see inside those 2 places for a longgggg time!
so nuff of me hijacking your thread... back to business as unusual...
Oh btw yall be nice... this ms tammy person is one of my bestest friends in the universe!!! So be kind pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee LOL