Originally Posted by ReformedDave
Most religious organizations are started as a reaction over some common complaint.
I have to admit that as much of a Son of the South as I am, that had the Confederacy won the war, eventually you would have had further splits and secessions until you had the "Grand Duchy of Alabama", "The Kingdom of Louisiana" and "The Sovereign State of Mississippi."
Now Wilson and Godair are fairly much mainliners whom I think have a bit of ambition here and are taking advantage of an opportunity.
However, they will be attempting to lead guys who will divide over sleeve length or the length of mole hair.
I am not ready to write Tulsa off with a guffaw just yet.
The "common complaint" may keep them together for awhile.
But eventually the "my way or the highway" attitude that most all these guys have toward their own little local kingdoms will further division.
When will that happen in a big way?
Could be sooner.
Could be later.
I honestly don't know.