BRAZIL , S.A. 13001-970
Dear Friends in the homeland
"To snatch the passing moment and examine it for signs of eternity is the noblest of occupations" (unknown)
The Holy Ghost rain has been falling. In August we were in the states and between Brazil and the states we had over 100 people receive God´s precious gift. This precious jewel is shinning in the darkness of Brazil.
Many thanks to the pastors that have let our family visit your churches. We are so grateful for those that share the soul winning burden with us.
We were blessed to have Rev, Jonathan Alvear and Rev. Paul Connor and group with us in Sept for our convention. Quite a few received the Holy Ghost and many were blessed and strengthened in God. We also ordained several national missionaries to be sent out from their cities into new areas of Brazil. PASTOR JOAQUIM will be going to the CASA BRANCA region, PASTOR MARCOS to the FRANCA area and PASTOR Milton to ARACA the DREAM VILLAGE. So many wonderful and exciting things are happening in our mist.
We are also starting two new churches in the cities of LEME and LIMEIRA in the state of Sao Paulo. We are looking for building to rent.
Pastor Bow blessed us with the money to buy windows for our tabernacle and next month we should have that taken care of. Soon we hope to get at least a rough concrete floor down right now we only have a dirt floor. However we have come a long ways on this tremendous project thanks to Elder Garret and others that have helped in other ways.
Special thanks to my friend Elder Caleb Adams for helping us build the Sao Luis church.
We have remolded the second church in the city of Jales and are remodeling the church in Casa Branca and lack about 1000 dollars to finish the remolding of the church and SS rooms in Fernandopolis.
Our most urgent need is a small van to help transport Bible school students to new preaching points in areas where there is little or no bus service. I think for around 4000 I could find a good used van.
Many times I have watched my folks and our beloved national pastors working in an atmosphere of uncertainty and at times personal threat. Our country needs your prayers, we know that our work is strong evidenced in the growth of the number of Christians, in the faithfulness of those who serve and teach and nurture them, and in the very existence of a church and an entire work that arose out of nothing. I am grateful to each of you who have made it possible for me and my wife to carry on the work here. Your prayers and letters are incredibly meaningful. Today in some places there are two, and three generations of men and women who almost from their cradle have been trained to think missionary thoughts, pray missionary prayers and make missionary sacrifices.
Thank you for being a part of such a thrust for souls throughout the country of Brazil. Your prayers and support have sustained us, and we look forward to hearing from you.
A part of the divine plan:
Brother Raul Jr, Sister Michelle and baby Julia