I laid on the floor yesterday to hook my computer back up and felt something literally 'crack'. I'm telling you, the pain was instant and intense! And it has stayed intense ever since. I already have a dr appt. on Monday, so I'll see him then. Until then, I am trying to get by on aspirin and Motrin. I checked and all they do for a broken rib is rest, ice and pain relievers. So please pray that it heals very quickly. and that the dr figures out why it would break so easily.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
I laid on the floor yesterday to hook my computer back up and felt something literally 'crack'. I'm telling you, the pain was instant and intense! And it has stayed intense ever since. I already have a dr appt. on Monday, so I'll see him then. Until then, I am trying to get by on aspirin and Motrin. I checked and all they do for a broken rib is rest, ice and pain relievers. So please pray that it heals very quickly. and that the dr figures out why it would break so easily.
No aspirin or ibuprofen!!!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I laid on the floor yesterday to hook my computer back up and felt something literally 'crack'. I'm telling you, the pain was instant and intense! And it has stayed intense ever since. I already have a dr appt. on Monday, so I'll see him then. Until then, I am trying to get by on aspirin and Motrin. I checked and all they do for a broken rib is rest, ice and pain relievers. So please pray that it heals very quickly. and that the dr figures out why it would break so easily.
Poor Margie! You folks are certainly having your trials!
Praying for you!
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)