Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Speaking with many pastors in the states and by phone I note hurt and wonder if they have failed...Sometimes pastors call just wanting to talk. The load is often heavy.
Right now our load is heavy in this area but as God sifts we see those who are wheat that are becoming stronger. Sifting have to take place and it must be God doing the sifting if we try to do it we destroy wheat with the tares. Someone said to me the other day, "What are you going to do about a certain situation". I said, nothing"! I have turned it over to God...
My dear friends there are some things ONLY GOD can change.Barb, God bless you I can feel such love in your posts. It is His love that makes us love the unlovable!
Dear Sis. Alvear,
Exactly, that's what I am speaking about. WE have learned to trust God
for those things man does not have the answer for. Timothy watched his
grandmother and mother. His father was a greek, an unbeliever. Paul saw
this faith in young Timothy's mother and grandmother and he figured it was
in Timothy. He was Timothy's father in the gospel. There are some things
you can't learn until you've been there, done that. A daughter learns from
her mother and sons learn from their fathers, OR THEY SHOULD, especially
if they are the fathers and mothers they should be. We learn to be people
of GOD by seeing people of God live a Godly life. Many years ago we went
to a denominal church to view the late Francis Schaffer's films on "Where
Have All The Children Gone". The reason they were gone was because of
abortion. I wonder where all the Mothers and Fathers in Israel have gone.
I hate to think where I would be, had it not been for my godly parents,
grandparents, great aunt and uncle, and their daughter, who influenced
mine and my siblings lives in our earlier years. It took years to bring us to
the place in life we are today. On the other hand I see young people get
out of high school, go to Bible School for three or four years, get out, with
no previous experience, and are ready to take on the churches at large.
They are not willing to learn from the elders, men or women, but feel God
has set them in place with no advice from anyone. Especially the ones who
had been a part of the work for decades. They start changing everything
and dare anyone to challenge their actions. Paul said you better be careful
how you build on another man's foundation, because the storms and the
fire is going to try that work you have added and if it is not as it should be,.
there will be loss. Reminds me of young women who were not raised with
a lot of children. She gets married and has a baby every other year for a
while and then falls apart. She wasn't prepared for such a load. She cannot
bear up under it many times. My mother birthed eleven children in 20 yrs.
She came from a family larger than her own. She was conditioned to be
around children. So she survived. I was the oldest daughter in our family of
eleven children. Before I had my own children, I mothered and nurtured my
younger siblings, learning from my mother. When I had my children, my mom
was there to support and help me with advice from her years of experience.
I appreciated it so much. Our oldest daughter has five fine sons. She helped
mother and nurture her younger siblings and had plenty of experience before
she had hers. Do we get the picture. And no wonder we have this mindset
today that the man in the pulpit must be obeyed like God. The fear of man
bringeth a snare (trap). I, for one do not like to feel or be trapped. That is
what bondage is. When we are trapped. In one place in the Bible it states,
"Their fear was taught by the precepts of men". That means in the way
men perceived it, not God. There are a lot of things out of order from the
house where men live to the church house, to the White House, the school
house and a lot of it should be taken to the outhouse. I don't think there
are many, if any of those still around. LOL!!!
Men's hearts failing them because they try to take on the things that
belong only to God. Every man should be bearing his OWN burden, that
which he has birthed. The seed he has sown. If every man would take the
responsibility for their own, it would be a big job. But on top of their own,
to take on several others responsibilities, enabling them to unload on some-
one else. Point them to Jesus. He took on the whole world at Calvary.
I see men and women taking their children to the preacher for him/her to
correct, to discipline, etc. Raise your own crop. When I hear those who
want to have hundreds or thousands in their church, I know they are ex-
pecting the church to come up with the support to take care of them.
I personally believe God never puts more on us than we can bear. We take
on more than we can bear or allow it to be put on us by others. For instance
you will find no one in the Bible having more than two children at a time. And
not many of them. Have you ever heard of anyone in the Bible having triplets,
or multiple births? No, that is what happens when men mess with God's way
as He set it up.
My late pastor father worked a full time job for many years, fathered eleven
children, served in WWII, on the front line in the Phillipeans and Japan, and
fathered a church that still stands and today is a place of worship for some
of his own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Where are all the
fathers and mothers gone. If you haven't fathered and mothered, you might
should wait until you get some experience in those areas. Then you might be
able to stand the heat!!!
This is not said in unkindness not to condemn anyone but to stir up our
thinking. Something is dreadfully wrong when they tell me that we are losing
70 to 75% of our UPC children to the world. That came from a District Supt.'s
wife a few years ago. Since then a missionary that came to our church said
it was now 80 to 85%. If we don't have mothers and fathers in Zion, after
while there will be no births in Zion. God help us!
Yes, it is enough to make our hearts hurt!!
From my heart,