The Curse and the Blessing of a Kiss...
A Kiss is an intimate moment between two people that portrays either love or Kinsmen ship. It is a contact that will belay friendship or something much deeper. There were two kisses in the Bible I was thinking about today and found a similarity between the two. Both were kisses born of deception and greed and both were very costly but the two kisses changed men's lives for generations to come...
Jacob kissed Isaac and deceived him and paid the price for that kiss years later when he lost Joseph being deceived himself... but from that Kiss Jacob Future was changed to represent a Nation...
Jesus was kissed in the Garden by Judas who sold him out for profit deceived by his desire for money... but paid the final price by hanging himself but that kiss of betrayal pointed them to the King of Kings...
Two kisses generations apart, completely unrelated in nature and related by the Bloodline... both kisses were not innocent nor clean...both kisses were costly and yet needful to bring about change for God's Work to be completed...
From the First deceptive kiss brought a Nation a Name...
and From the second kiss brought the Name to the Nation...
There are times we are kissed by life... and deceived but if we don't give up or give in to doubt, bitterness or worry and we keep pressing towards the mark the kiss that deceived us can become our greatest blessing in the end...
Don't know if this will make sense to all...
Just a few Thoughts...