Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
I know Gary Zoz! Infact I was great friends with his son Gary Jr. when we were younger. Have you kept up with any of them?
We used to see Gary preach on tv several years ago when he was on staff at the Covenant Apostolic Church. His younger brother Bob was active in the choir. Bob pastored a church for a while in Fairfield, OH (about 20 miles north of Cincinnati) but is not pastoring right now. Gary is pastoring Christ Community in Sharonville, OH (about 12 miles north of Cincinnati). My wife and I visited that church back in April (I think it was April). We were just talking about that earlier this evening. I hope to get back there in a month or so. It's only about 7 miles from where I live.
As far as I know, Bob is working at GE. I'm not sure what Gary does besides pastoring. If you want their email addresses, PM me and I'll give them to you. It probably won't be until some time tomorrow before I get back on here.