Hi everyone. I went to the doctor for a check up on my foot yesterday and he said that everything is proceeding fine, then he changed the subject to another issue about my health.
He said that I was in there last November about mu High Blood pressure than he asked to check it again. It was high. Steadfast kinda high.
Las November I was driving along in the car and I felt I heard God's still small voice saying, "so you're going to give up without a fight?"
I felt at that time God was seeming to say that I didn't have to live with High Blood Pressure.
Now my doctor is trying to put me on high blood pressure medication, but when I go on them they are not so easy to stop.
What say you?
On the one hand I don't want to have my kids be fatherless, but at the same time, I don't want to get entangled with High Blood Pressure Medication that in itself is expensive and awkward but also may find it hard to get off of, I also don't want to be a Heart Attack/Stroke statistic either.
He ordered some blood work and some other tests in the meantime.
Any advice-I am open and listening.
I will be out for most of the day but will check back later.