Greetings to All,
I know little about Apostolic history. The following came by email from John Sims.
Is Brother Sims correct?
In Jesus,
Brother Bruce
His email read:
Catholic Church History = Compromise of truth.
In the Beginning.
Just before the end of WWII the political leaders of two Jesus name organizations decided to explore the possibility of merging the two groups into one. One of these groups was called the Pentecostal Church International (PCI). The other was the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC).
The driving force behind the initial discussions was expansion and finances. The PCI at the time was very financially sound but was limited in ministers for missions. The PAJC had the ministry base to expand but did but did not have the financial base for mission operations.
On the surface a merger of this type would be a marriage made in heaven. Below the surface there was a major roadblock preventing a possible merger. The problem was both groups had two completely different plans of salvation.
PCI: This group believed the following. Full salvation takes place at Repentance where man receives Forgiveness & Remission of sins. The Blood is applied at Repentance where man is also Justified by faith without works and is fully saved. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is a second work of grace and is not required for salvation since all believers are In-dwelt by the Spirit at Repentance.
In PCI theology Water Baptism was just an outward sign of the inner change and had no connection to salvation. This was due to the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ being applied at Repentance, which resulted in Justification and salvation. While a Holiness lifestyle was commanded by the word of God, it was not required for salvation.
PAJC: The PAJC taught Repentance is where a sinner dies, then must be Water Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost to be saved. The Blood is applied at Repentance, Water Baptism, and the Spirit Baptism. Forgiveness of sins takes place at Repentance and Remission of sins take place in Water Baptism. Ac 2:38 is where the Born Again of the Water & Spirit Salvation requirement takes place. Then, a Holy lifestyle is required for a Christian to be saved.
After much discussion and debate by the leaders of these two groups, a COMPROMISE was drawn up so a merger could take place and then the UPC was born. In this COMPROMISE both groups basically agreed to disagree, then join ranks for financial and expansion reasons.
Once uncovering these major differences in the plan of salvation between these two groups the author of All The Counsel of God came to the following conclusions.
Both the PCI & PAJC doctrinal positions had enough leaven (false doctrine) to leaven what little truth each proclaimed. The leaven each embraced as truth was either passed down by the different Trinity movements at the Azusa Street outpouring 1903-1906, or was a gross miss interpretation of key scriptures by key Jesus Name ministers. In most cases these early ministers had the anointing to preach but their knowledge of the Word of God and Christian history was very limited. It was and is today, this "Lack of Knowledge" and "False Doctrine" that will prevent the members of the PCI, PAJC, UPC, and all other Jesus Name groups from being saved.
As it turns out salvation cannot be received from man made organizations, groups, or movements, of like believers. Salvation only comes between the individual believer and his Saviour Jesus Christ. This salvation will be bases on 100% truth, not 99.9% or anything less. When the Lord wishes someone to be saved, he will send someone like a Peter to Cornelius, with the true plan of salvation.
The heart of the PAJC-PCI COMPROMISE, which came from The Devil, is contained in the official by-laws of the UPC and of course are hidden from the Blind Sheep of the UPC. The following by-law statements are at the core of this COMPROMISE.
UPC-By-laws: "We shall endeavor to keep the UNITY of the Spirit until we ALL come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing ALL brethren that THEY SHALL NOT CONTEND for their different views to the disunity of the body." (Apostolic truth cannot be contended for in the UPC because of this by-law statement.)
Jude 1:3-4
3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should "earnestly contend" for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
4 For there are "certain men" crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
UPC-By-laws: "Pardon and Forgiveness of sins is obtained by genuine repentance, a confessing and forsaking of sins. "We" are justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ro 5:1). (In Apostolic truth, Pardon and Forgiveness of sins does not take place at Repentance, they take place at Apostolic Water baptism. This truth makes the UPC COMPROMISE a strong delusion to believe a lie and be damned. Without Apostolic interpretation of who the "WE" are in this text, one will be deceived by Reformation interpretation and false leaven. The PCI claimed this to be salvation, the PAJC did not. The COMPROMISE just lets it hang without correct interpretation and the blind follow the blind.) John the Baptist preached repentance, Jesus proclaimed it, and the Apostles emphasized it to both the Jews and Gentiles.
What is missing in all of this SIN of COMPROMISE is true Apostolic teaching on the Born Again process, the process of salvation, the doctrines of the Blood, Water, and Spirit, the Foundation of Christ, Biblical Holiness, developing a Pure Heart, and the Bible codes of Apostolic interpretation.
Bottom Line: Any man made religious organization born by the spirit of compromise, this organization and its members will always compromise truth.
Why does the Bible say the righteous are scarcely saved? (One foot in hell, the big toe in heaven, so to speak.)
A. Any lack of truth will send one to hell as fast as the presence of any false doctrine.
99.9 % of truth is a false gospel.
Bishop John D. Sims
Apostolic Bible Center