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07-20-2021, 10:50 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
These Homosexual jokers actually thought that threatening heterosexuals concerning their children was a good thing? Oh, they deleted the video, and then started to say they were only kidding. That it was all in fun? OK, so they were only kidding, it was all just light fun. Well, the joke was bad, it wasn't received in the humor intended. Hence the unwise who created the video deleted their own work of humor. We are coming for your children? Did the San Francisco Men's Choir really want to send the homosexual movement back to the closet? Let's see, what message were they sending to countries who have death penalties for homosexuality? Obviously to make those countries believe they may have valid arguments to keep homosexuality illegal? Because after all, homosexuals in the United States, are proclaiming that they are COMING FOR LITTLE CHILDREN? They said it was a joke, BUT, you know, when you bust that feather pillow, you might want to get those feathers back in the case. But, soon and sadly, you won't get all the feathers back in. Nope, this was a wee bit of theatre which will not go away soon. Yet, they said in their song, that they wanted to teach us not to hate? But, that seems a bit hypocritical, because threatening a population, a population which is a huge majority of the country, with going after their babies? Doesn't sound too friendly, but sounds like a threat. They also spoke of the heterosexual group as being afraid of the homosexual group. Well, let us ponder this. If you have a said group who is afraid of your group, also supposedly hates your group, what sort of rational, would there be to insight more fear and more hate by going after that fearful, and hateful group's young? See my point? It's like this, never really believe your own PR. While the media might have everyone believing that the entire planet wants to dress in Chiffon, and own little poodles. The homosexual community is a small minority. If they want to be understood, and want not to be feared or hated, then don't do stupid stuff. Don't get carried away by your own PR, thinking that your group is Teflon. Listen, no one likes religion rammed down their throat. No one likes politics shoved in their face. The same goes for all the different agendas. So, with all this being said, these individuals majorly dropped the watermelon, and for sure they won't be able to clean up the mess any time soon. Therefore, the San Francisco Men's Choir, gets a Brooklyn Zero, and a F. Pray for these people, pray that they use some wisdom. You see, no one in the Bible ever got healed of stupid, or had stupid cast out of them. That's something which can only be worked on by the individual.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 07-20-2021 at 10:54 PM.

07-21-2021, 01:43 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Zion aka TEXAS
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Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Turns out a significant number of people in and associated with the Choir group are convicted sex offenders.

07-21-2021, 08:46 AM
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
One thing it does, which they might construed as good by these people, is, it allows them to test the waters and see how bad the reaction is, and, since the reaction has been fairly muted, except for the typical conservative radio and youtube jockeys, a lesson has been learned:
Where there is no near universal outcry against, there is near universal complacent resignation for.

07-21-2021, 11:35 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Originally Posted by votivesoul
One thing it does, which they might construed as good by these people, is, it allows them to test the waters and see how bad the reaction is, and, since the reaction has been fairly muted, except for the typical conservative radio and youtube jockeys, a lesson has been learned:
Where there is no near universal outcry against, there is near universal complacent resignation for.
Testing the waters no doubt, but some homosexuals are always testing the waters. Always looking for the signs of push back. Yet, this time I truly believe that they shot themselves in the foot. Because others among their fold weren't too thrilled about the San Francisco Men's Choir's NAMBLA song. San Francisco Men's Choir's channel on YouTubes put their video back up, because they're claiming that they are getting death threats for their SATIRICAL video. But, come on, seriously. These guys might of thought they were being funny, yet, the rest of the planet (who aren't the San Francisco Men's Choir) aren't getting the joke. Let's talk about good old human behavior, shall we? Everyone has been a prankster, pulled a joke on someone, shot spitballs at the teacher, even played a joke on the bully of the school. Yet, there is a situation called "prank backfire" that's when the teacher turns around to only have the rest of the class point you out to him. Or the school bully finds out that it was you who rammed the potato into the tail pipe of his Camaro. Needless to say we know that the attempts of light fun, didn't turn out well in these situations. You get expelled, the bully beats the living snot out of you, but alas you got what was coming to you. The San Francisco Men's Choir wanting to spread the love to their heterosexual neighbors sadly failed. The heterosexual community just isn't getting the joke, they just don't see the satire. But my question is if the San Francisco Men's Choir want to spread peace, love, and understanding? Why don't they do what EVERYONE does when a joke goes wrong? Apologize? You see, this is where the old sharp stick in the eye hurts even worse. When the joker won't say their sorry, when the prankster, refuses to apologize. But instead wants to keep pressing that the teacher isn't getting the joke and now cries foul because they are being sent to the principle's office. Like I said the Bible never says "stupid be healed" or anyone cast stupid out. Stupid is, as stupid does. The San Francisco Men's Choir are whining about people getting upset with them. Maybe they wanted this drama all along? Maybe that was their modus operandi from the beginning to throw their NAMBLA tune out their, get attacked for it, and then curl up in the fetal position and play the victim. Well that just might be it boys and girls. I'll post their self justification from their YouTubes' channel below.
Statement from San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus - July 9, 2021
“The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus was founded, in part, to fight discrimination and bigotry against all peoples. Today, our chorus members are facing death threats, vile attacks, false accusations, doxing, and other forms of harassment because of our satirical video performance “Message from the Gay Community.”
“We placed the video in private mode to quell the intolerance and hateful responses from mostly anonymous people. Upon reflection, we have made it live again for all to see the satirical and obviously tongue-in-cheek humor. We want everyone to judge for themselves. We will not allow ourselves, even in the face of death threats, to retreat or bow to attempts to twist our words, meaning, self-deprecation and humor.
“We are thankful for the efforts of the San Francisco Police Department and law enforcement for their quick response and assistance in handling these threats.
“The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus is dedicated to being role models, teaching, and spreading the message of love, inclusion, humor, and celebration through our music. We believe, most fervently, in open dialogue , communication, and free speech. We will continue to do so through our music. We invite everyone to join us.”
Statement from GLAAD’s President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis
in support of San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus performed a tongue-in-cheek song commissioned by an external arts organization which ironically had a simple message around teaching young people to speak out against anti-LGBTQ hate. The Chorus sings in harmony, ‘Someone’s got to teach them not to hate.’ As a result of manipulation from anti-LGBTQ media figures, the Chorus is now facing uncalled-for and disgusting threats of violence, as well as hate and harassment, across social media. As GLAAD’s Social Media Safety Index reported, hate and harassment too often goes unchecked on social media and the platforms need to act swiftly to address the hateful content directed at the Chorus, especially the threats of violence. The ugly anti-LGBTQ rhetoric just reinforces the need for LGBTQ visibility, community, and advocacy, all of which the SFGMC has exemplified in its 40+ year history.”
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-21-2021, 11:38 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Originally Posted by Esaias
Turns out a significant number of people in and associated with the Choir group are convicted sex offenders.
They are on registered sex offenders in San Francisco?
If anyone has their names they can look them up here.
Wouldn't that sadly add insult to injury.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-21-2021, 12:34 PM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Apparently, they reuploaded it again.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.

07-21-2021, 02:10 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Originally Posted by Jito463
Apparently, they reuploaded it again.
Yes, because it was immediately copied when they originally uploaded. Then those who copied it reuploaded, with their own narrative. The San Francisco Men's Choir therefore had to fall on the sword, reupload the video on their channel, and bare whatever assault or well wishes which may come their way.
Like I said in previous posts, they busted the feather pillow, and dropped the proverbial watermelon. Quite the messy situation. Here is a group who genuinely feel they are Teflon. They honestly believe that they could "kid around" and society would quickly surround them with Care Bear hugs (no pun intended). That the heterosexuals of the world would have to kowtow to the "good humor" or the "sharp stick in the eye" which was just playfully offered by the San Francisco Men's Choir. It was a stupid move on their part, I get that. They took the video down, understandably, probably some cooler heads prevailed? But there was no possibility of taking this down. They smacked the hornet's nest with full strength and vigor. Those who didn't get the joke were given justifiable reasons for their already seething hate and loathing. My lands, the San Francisco Men's Choir had zero understanding on the insane time we are living in. The country isn't only divided but it is divided with anger. Look, let's say you barely miss an outlaw biker as you pull into the parking lot. You just missed him and his bike. You then proceed to back into the spot next to him. From the rearview mirror you can see his one eyebrow up and his gritted teeth. But, you then get the bright idea to lighten the situation by backing in the spot fast, and break inches from his Panhead Harley Davidson. But, he didn't get the joke, his blood pressure was already tweaking with your near miss when you entered the parking lot. So, by this point no way on earth is this dude going to think any attempts at levity will change his thoughts on you. No, he walks over and rips the guy out of the driver's side window and proceeds to send him to the bad humor heaven. Here, the San Francisco Men's Choir want everyone to be accepting, tolerant, sing Kumbaya around the campfire? Well, they pulled an epic fail. The biker stomps a mudhole in your chest. Is he an Automobilephobe? No, he is a random guy, having another random guy take stupid to another level. As I said before this isn't going away, and especially right now at this time. Stupid unwise situations like this is not needed, and the San Francisco Men's Choir made their bed. Everything is about life choices, what choices we make we have to deal with those choices one way or another. Pray for these dummies that they man up? An try to stop instigating the people they are trying to show their kindness. Because, its NOT WORKING!!!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-21-2021, 02:14 PM
Believe, Obey, Declare
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Location: Tupelo Ms.
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Re: How'd They Think This Was a Good Thing?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Yes, because it was immediately copied when they originally uploaded. Then those who copied it reuploaded, with their own narrative. The San Francisco Men's Choir therefore had to fall on the sword, reupload the video on their channel, and bare whatever assault or well wishes which may come their way.
Like I said in previous posts, they busted the feather pillow, and dropped the proverbial watermelon. Quite the messy situation. Here is a group who genuinely feel they are Teflon. They honestly believe that they could "kid around" and society would quickly surround them with Care Bear hugs (no pun intended). That the heterosexuals of the world would have to kowtow to the "good humor" or the "sharp stick in the eye" which was just playfully offered by the San Francisco Men's Choir. It was a stupid move on their part, I get that. They took the video down, understandably, probably some cooler heads prevailed? But there was no possibility of taking this down. They smacked the hornet's nest with full strength and vigor. Those who didn't get the joke were given justifiable reasons for their already seething hate and loathing. My lands, the San Francisco Men's Choir had zero understanding on the insane time we are living in. The country isn't only divided but it is divided with anger. Look, let's say you barely miss an outlaw biker as you pull into the parking lot. You just missed him and his bike. You then proceed to back into the spot next to him. From the rearview mirror you can see his one eyebrow up and his gritted teeth. But, you then get the bright idea to lighten the situation by backing in the spot fast, and break inches from his Panhead Harley Davidson. But, he didn't get the joke, his blood pressure was already tweaking with your near miss when you entered the parking lot. So, by this point no way on earth is this dude going to think any attempts at levity will change his thoughts on you. No, he walks over and rips the guy out of the driver's side window and proceeds to send him to the bad humor heaven. Here, the San Francisco Men's Choir want everyone to be accepting, tolerant, sing Kumbaya around the campfire? Well, they pulled an epic fail. The biker stomps a mudhole in your chest. Is he an Automobilephobe? No, he is a random guy, having another random guy take stupid to another level. As I said before this isn't going away, and especially right now at this time. Stupid unwise situations like this is not needed, and the San Francisco Men's Choir made their bed. Everything is about life choices, what choices we make we have to deal with those choices one way or another. Pray for these dummies that they man up? An try to stop instigating the people they are trying to show their kindness. Because, its NOT WORKING!!!
Bad humor heaven 😅
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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