Daddy Doesn’t go to the Altar Anymore
Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore
He still puts an envelope in the plate when it comes around
Seems to like all the new music, never complains about The Sound
He still claps during the songs, but sits closer to the back door
And Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore
He smiles and greets folks, shakes a hand of someone across the aisle,
Says “Amen” during the sermon, Pastor’s jokes make him smile
We still go to church every Sunday just like before
But Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore
During the sermon, He used to be the loudest one-the first on his feet
He’d tell us kids that The Word was our spiritual meat
But yesterday during the preaching, his eyes were heavy and I thought I heard him snore
And Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore
Last Sunday, Mom took us kids to Church without him, she says he wasn’t feeling good
But when we got home, he was listening to music and had cooked our favorite food
Up until this day, no one took a bite until Daddy prayed
No grace this time, He just started eating, unlike I’d ever seen before
Things have sure changed, since Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore
I over heard him tell Mama, out of Life he wanted more
So he took a part time job every Sunday, goes in early to open the store
Mama cries at church a lot now...
and Daddy doesn’t go to The Altar anymore.
Nik Schexnayder
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//