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Old 10-04-2019, 08:25 AM
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Make Israel Jewish Again

What I have been reading over the years is that Modern Israel has an ILLEGAL immigration problem. This ILLEGAL immigration problem stems from Sudanese and Ethiopian Africans. Modern Israel wants these individuals all sent back to their countries of origin. This is what any country seeks who must deal with an onslaught of ILLEGAL immigration. What these ILLEGAL immigrants are choosing to do is claim asylum. Still Modern Israel rejects such pleas due to their belief that these Africans are all MIGRANTS seeking out employment in other countries. Another thing that must be understood is that Modern Israel isn't like any other country, because they were formed under a premise that it is an ethno state, meaning it is a modern HOMELAND for Jews. Therefore unlike the United States and Canada, Israel can use the argument that they cannot accept too many non-Jews. Because if doing so they Modern Israeli population goes down, and the non-Jewish population goes up. This is becoming a major problem for Modern Israel because of the UN, and the rest of the world's countries. Especially Europe who are taking in all these illegal and migrants from North Africa, and the Middle East. England cannot say, "Hey we are a British country, with British values" because that is somehow racist. So, London is now Londonstan, were it has blossomed into a European Mecca. In Benjamin Netanyahu's own words "Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the Nation-State Law that we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish People - and them alone." Can the British say this? Can the United States say this? Actually no, because the Modern State of Israel was created out of one permise, that it was a HOMELAND for Modern Jews. Whether what anyone's prejudice, or ideology concerning Modern Israel can be, one must admit that Modern Israel through its Zionist thought is ONLY for Jews, no one else. Do I agree with this? What does that matter, when you follow the history of this politically created modern country there could be no other answer.
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Old 10-04-2019, 03:45 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Ethnonationalism for (((me))) but mass uncontrolled immigration for thee.
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Old 10-04-2019, 04:03 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Ethnonationalism for (((me))) but mass uncontrolled immigration for thee.
Yes, and it is because they were created primarily to be a one ethnic nation.

This is what is confusing to the ILLEGAL immigrants who bop in to seek asylum.

They can't wrap their minds around the whole Modern Israel for Jews only thing. The entire world may be puzzled over it, but in reality Modern Israel cannot allow their non Jewish immigration to overcome their Jewish population.

It would cease being a "Jewish" state. Modern Israel would slowly have more non Jews than Jews. Then their government would be overrun by non Jews. Then what do you think the outcome would be? I've been waiting to hear some feedback from John Hagee on this situation but he seems to be very quiet about it.
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Old 10-05-2019, 06:23 AM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Following the story the asylum seekers (ILLEGAL immigrants, and migrants) have until the end of March to leave Modern Israel. If they do not leave they will be physically FORCED out of the country (whatever that will look like). Knowing Modern Israel's history that will be pretty physical and very forceful.

This is part of Modern Israel's proposal, that they are willing to give these Illegal immigrants, migrants, and supposed asylum seekers travel documents to those who agreed to leave. This would be something that previously never had. It will also mean that they would be admitting to be actual migrants (people from a foreign country looking for work) rather than asylum seekers. Israel is also offering 3,500 dollars to each of these Illegal immigrants, migrants, and supposed asylum seekers to leave Modern Israel. The only ones right now who are being given notices to leave are males without families. But, Israel will be removing every single African who are from Sudan, and Eritrea (formerly Ethiopia).

Again, Israel has to expel the non Jews because they can't have non Jews overwhelming their Jewish population. Again, if this happened the Knesset would be run by non Jews, and able to change policy, making Modern Israel a multicultural non Jewish country. This would cause Brother Irvin Baxter Jr to lose his job.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 10-05-2019, 09:42 AM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Again, Israel has to expel the non Jews because they can't have non Jews overwhelming their Jewish population. Again, if this happened the Knesset would be run by non Jews, and able to change policy, making Modern Israel a multicultural non Jewish country.This would cause Brother Irvin Baxter Jr to lose his job.
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Old 10-05-2019, 02:11 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Yep, if Israel became just another nation with nothing but non Jews.
Even the people who profess Jewish backgrounds are not from the Biblical tribe of Judah. They aren't born in Biblical Judea, or descendants of those who were actually born from the tribe of Judah or ancient Judea. But here is a situation which over the years will change the demographic of Modern Israel. The country will over time become non Jewish in its population. The Modern Israelis cannot allow that to happen by any means. Literally, they need to not only stop illegal immigration of non Jews, but also extremely limit legal immigration of non Jews.

As Israel's continued existence as a Jewish state relies upon maintenance of a Jewish demographic majority, Israeli demographers, politicians, and bureaucrats have treated Jewish population growth promotion as a central question in their research and policymaking. Non-Jewish population growth and immigration is regarded as a threat to the Jewish demographic majority, and to Israel's security[citation needed], as detailed in the Koenig Memorandum.

As Israel's continued existence as a Jewish state relies upon maintenance of a Jewish demographic majority, Israeli demographers, politicians, and bureaucrats have treated Jewish population growth promotion as a central question in their research and policymaking. Non-Jewish population growth and immigration is regarded as a threat to the Jewish demographic majority, and to Israel's security[citation needed], as detailed in the Koenig Memorandum. Israel is the thirty-fourth most-densely crowded country in the world. In an academic article, Jewish National Fund Board member Daniel Orenstein, argues that, as elsewhere, overpopulation is a stressor on the environment in Israel; he shows that environmentalists have conspicuously failed to consider the impact of population on the environment, and argues that overpopulation in Israel has not been appropriately addressed for ideological reasons.[65][66] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel

The non Jewish population is around 16,777,300 while the Jewish population is around 6,697,000 which means there are 10,080,300 more non Jews.

It would be interesting to see how the prophecy gurus work around Modern Israel's changing demographics.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 10-05-2019, 02:54 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Yep, if Israel became just another nation with nothing but non Jews.
Even the people who profess Jewish backgrounds are not from the Biblical tribe of Judah. They aren't born in Biblical Judea, or descendants of those who were actually born from the tribe of Judah or ancient Judea. But here is a situation which over the years will change the demographic of Modern Israel. The country will over time become non Jewish in its population. The Modern Israelis cannot allow that to happen by any means. Literally, they need to not only stop illegal immigration of non Jews, but also extremely limit legal immigration of non Jews.

As Israel's continued existence as a Jewish state relies upon maintenance of a Jewish demographic majority, Israeli demographers, politicians, and bureaucrats have treated Jewish population growth promotion as a central question in their research and policymaking. Non-Jewish population growth and immigration is regarded as a threat to the Jewish demographic majority, and to Israel's security[citation needed], as detailed in the Koenig Memorandum.

The non Jewish population is around 16,777,300 while the Jewish population is around 6,697,000 which means there are 10,080,300 more non Jews.

It would be interesting to see how the prophecy gurus work around Modern Israel's changing demographics.
But the article says total population is 9 million with non-Jews comprising about 24% of that. Interesting though is that 400,000 ethnic Jews are counted as non because they are not religious Jews.
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Old 10-05-2019, 03:57 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Originally Posted by Carl View Post
But the article says total population is 9 million with non-Jews comprising about 24% of that. Interesting though is that 400,000 ethnic Jews are counted as non because they are not religious Jews.
Because factual truth has a funny way of coming through. Look, Talmudic Rabbis have always been the ones to argue over everything concerning Modern Israel. Therefore the first line of business is what should be considered a Jew. As I pointed out those who would call themselves Jews aren't genealogically connected to the ancient tribe of Judah, nor are they connected to anyone who was born in ancient Judea. Therefore genealogically through a traceable lineage no one can prove that they are actual Judeans, or connected physically to ancient Israelites. The Modern Israelis know this, therefore in a census non religious Jews cannot be listed as Jews. Now, lets look at the logic. Jewishness is considered to be anyone who actually practices Judaism. Modern Israel knows this and accepts this, and therefore settlers in the West Bank are all practicing religious Jews.
Because pretty much it is only the religious Jews who believe that Israel is their land because of divine right. Zionism is a political construct which was supposed to make Jewishness an ethnic idea, instead of religious idea. It didn't really work out that well, because the big question is "what exactly is a Jew?" Are they born Jewish because of mother, or (like the Bible) because of father? Or is it just because of religion? Religion is exactly the right answer. Yet, right answers in Judaism is still debatable, because that is the nature of Judaism.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 10-06-2019, 06:49 AM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

Again, people cannot understand what Israel actually is, it is a country only created for ONE people. Those people are to be Jews and Jews alone. For Americans and Canadians looking at this situation they cannot fathom that the Israelis want to remove their "DREAMERS." All someone has to do is understand Modern Israel was created for Modern Jews to have their own personal country. A country which would be a homeland to only one group of people. For Israelis who are Jewish to all of sudden accept United States, Canadian, European acceptance of immigration, really don't understand their Zionist background. Why they even have a country called Israel. If you watch the video the Filipino parents are telling the viewers that their 5 year old children want to stay in Israel? There 5 years old. Parents make choices, not 5 year olds. So, we can clearly see that the parents are using these children to stay within Modern Israel. Modern Israel wants to protect her identity of being Jewish ONLY country. She needs to preserve her majority of "Jews." If she doesn't then Dispensationalists are going to have to modify their 1948 fulfillment.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 10-06-2019, 11:54 PM
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Re: Make Israel Jewish Again

What's funny is large numbers of Jews want Israel to be an ethnonationalist Jewish-majority Jewish-rule country, but they demand that European and Commonwealth-origin nations be wide open for every Tom, Dick, and Harry from the four corners of the world. In other words, if say a German wanted Germany to be German majority and German ruled, oy vey it's a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and anuddah shoah, evil evil shut it down.... I think the term is "hypocrisy".

What's worse is there are literally millions of so called Christians who unequivocally support the Jews' "right" to a Jewish supremacist Jewish nationalist homeland, while at the same time believing any European or European-derived person's desire for the same thing for themselves is evil wayciss unchristian and by golly there ought ta be a law against it! Which is exactly the same position held by the liberal progressive left (antifa types and their support of Palestinians notwithstanding).
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