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Old 03-22-2019, 11:54 PM
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Exclamation Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Attached to this post is a PDF copy of "The Jaffe Memo". It is a chart of proposed courses of action to manage the population, by Frederick Jaffe of Planned Parenthood, in 1969. Simply reading the chart you will see the true reasons and motivations behind numerous ClownWorld stage productions we are being forced to endure, like the whole LGBTQ thing, abortion, etc. The policy proposals can be seen to be in place and running by various segments of society, especially via the media, magazines, music, Hollywood, etc, as well as well funded legal challenges, election campaigns, and government policy decisions, legislation, court decisions, etc. It can also be seen being implemented by large corporate interests (businesses, HR departments, social media giants, etc). Everybody, it seems, is on board with the program.

Which PROVES it is an agenda, a goal, shared by LOTS OF INFLUENTIAL ORGANISATIONS AND PEOPLE, and that they are LYING TO YOU and trying to cover up what they are really about. Which in turn means simply that a powerful alliance is arrayed against you intent on destroying you and your offspring, and that society has been subverted and is NOT what you are led to believe it is, nor are things happening for the reasons you are told (or want to believe). The idea that society is being wrecked by "idiot liberals who just don't know what they're doing because they're dumb" is A LIE. These people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and SO DO THEIR SO CALLED "CONSERVATIVE OPPONENTS" who have you hoodwinked and chasing dead end rabbit trails while ensuring the AGENDA GOES FORWARD NO MATTER WHAT.

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File Type: pdf TheJaffeMemo.pdf (215.0 KB, 8 views)
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Last edited by Esaias; 03-23-2019 at 12:48 AM. Reason: correcting a date
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Old 03-23-2019, 03:27 AM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

So, once the realisation is made as to what's going on, and the scope of the agenda, the question is "What do I do about it?"

Subversion artists masquerading as religious leaders would dupe you into thinking there's nothing you can do, and that there's nothing that will be done, just wait for the rapture. Or just keep doing your thing (putting your money and productivity into the economy, maintaining your financial support of the very system trying to enslave and destroy you) and wait to die and go to heaven. These types of solutions, carefully crafted as "prophecy teaching" and "separation from the world" teachings, come in a variety of forms but are all designed to accomplish a simple goal: neutralise you and get you to do essentially nothing genuinely productive.

The truth is, there are solutions. They aren't very glamourous and don't provide instant success, take a lot of effort and dedication, and therefore aren't popular. But those who DO put in the effort will be advancing things in a positive direction, while the lazy and apathetic will simply circle the drain into oblivion over the next several generations.

Also, it must be realized that you personally probably aren't going to save civilisation single handedly. But individuals doing their thing to move things forward combine to a corporate or collective movement that gets things done on a larger scale. There are several layers involved: personal, family, church, community, nation. Each one builds on the layer beneath it. There can be no national reformation without a prior reformation in communities, which depend on reformation in local churches, which depends on reformation in families and individuals' lives.

So, here's a step by step starter plan to save civilization and advance the Kingdom of God:

1. Individual reformation.
Get your life lined up with God's KINGDOM. Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God (His Dominion, reign, rulership) and His righteousness (His justice, His ways of thinking and doing things, as spelled out in His Word). Start regulating your life, all areas, by the Word. Your financial decisions, lifestyle, how you raise your kids, etc.

2. Family reformation.
Reform your household to live by the Word. Got kids? If at home, they must live by the Word, no other options possible, period, end of discussion. Husbands need to take the lead, "as for me AND MY HOUSE, we WILL serve the Lord." Everything must be submitted to the Word. The world and its ideas about child raising, education, job and career, must be rejected in favor of the will of God.

3. Church reformation. The local assembly must be on board with building godly, Christ honouring, Word directed families. Influence the assembly by praying, as well as by speaking to leadership. Exhort one another to good works (obedience to the Word). BE an example of a family directed by the Word. If your assembly is focused on liberal "social justice" agendas, or stupid entertainments for securing positive cash flow, and isn't willing to get serious about God and the Word and dealing with the times we live in, then BEAT FEET. Find brethren who are on the same page. It is SUICIDE to continue supporting that which is part of the problem. Starve the beast, as they say. A church that will not strengthen families to genuinely live for God, that desires to spend it's time playing patty cake while the world burns down around it, is not a church that deserves your money or attendance. It is, in fact, a direct threat to the souls of your children.

4. Community reformation. Get involved. Speak with the enemies in the gates. Go to town halls, commissioner court meetings, city hall meetings, etc, and speak. But speak for Christ and His Word. Seek opportunities to speak to neighbors. Seek opportunities to get involved in a positive, helpful way with neighbours' lives. Don't just be a pulpiteer, but put faith into action. Churches need to be doing this, not just individuals.

This is what will lead to national reformation. This is what it means "if my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves, and repent... then I will heal their land."

In succeeding posts I would like to dig deeper into more specific ways of doing this. Input appreciated.
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Old 03-23-2019, 03:36 AM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Some additional starter information is here, in this thread: http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com...ad.php?t=53027

It contains information that will help the reader understand in what direction reformation (personal, family, church, community, etc) needs to go, and practical tips on getting it done.
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

Last edited by Esaias; 03-23-2019 at 04:02 AM.
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Old 03-23-2019, 08:25 AM
coksiw coksiw is offline
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

That's crazy, I couldn't believe. If you are curious, this is the original paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0K...cxai1OME0/view
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Old 03-23-2019, 11:46 AM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
So, once the realisation is made as to what's going on, and the scope of the agenda, the question is "What do I do about it?"

Subversion artists masquerading as religious leaders would dupe you into thinking there's nothing you can do, and that there's nothing that will be done, just wait for the rapture. Or just keep doing your thing (putting your money and productivity into the economy, maintaining your financial support of the very system trying to enslave and destroy you) and wait to die and go to heaven. These types of solutions, carefully crafted as "prophecy teaching" and "separation from the world" teachings, come in a variety of forms but are all designed to accomplish a simple goal: neutralise you and get you to do essentially nothing genuinely productive.

The truth is, there are solutions. They aren't very glamourous and don't provide instant success, take a lot of effort and dedication, and therefore aren't popular. But those who DO put in the effort will be advancing things in a positive direction, while the lazy and apathetic will simply circle the drain into oblivion over the next several generations.

Also, it must be realized that you personally probably aren't going to save civilisation single handedly. But individuals doing their thing to move things forward combine to a corporate or collective movement that gets things done on a larger scale. There are several layers involved: personal, family, church, community, nation. Each one builds on the layer beneath it. There can be no national reformation without a prior reformation in communities, which depend on reformation in local churches, which depends on reformation in families and individuals' lives.

So, here's a step by step starter plan to save civilization and advance the Kingdom of God:

1. Individual reformation.
Get your life lined up with God's KINGDOM. Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God (His Dominion, reign, rulership) and His righteousness (His justice, His ways of thinking and doing things, as spelled out in His Word). Start regulating your life, all areas, by the Word. Your financial decisions, lifestyle, how you raise your kids, etc.

2. Family reformation.
Reform your household to live by the Word. Got kids? If at home, they must live by the Word, no other options possible, period, end of discussion. Husbands need to take the lead, "as for me AND MY HOUSE, we WILL serve the Lord." Everything must be submitted to the Word. The world and its ideas about child raising, education, job and career, must be rejected in favor of the will of God.

3. Church reformation. The local assembly must be on board with building godly, Christ honouring, Word directed families. Influence the assembly by praying, as well as by speaking to leadership. Exhort one another to good works (obedience to the Word). BE an example of a family directed by the Word. If your assembly is focused on liberal "social justice" agendas, or stupid entertainments for securing positive cash flow, and isn't willing to get serious about God and the Word and dealing with the times we live in, then BEAT FEET. Find brethren who are on the same page. It is SUICIDE to continue supporting that which is part of the problem. Starve the beast, as they say. A church that will not strengthen families to genuinely live for God, that desires to spend it's time playing patty cake while the world burns down around it, is not a church that deserves your money or attendance. It is, in fact, a direct threat to the souls of your children.

4. Community reformation. Get involved. Speak with the enemies in the gates. Go to town halls, commissioner court meetings, city hall meetings, etc, and speak. But speak for Christ and His Word. Seek opportunities to speak to neighbors. Seek opportunities to get involved in a positive, helpful way with neighbours' lives. Don't just be a pulpiteer, but put faith into action. Churches need to be doing this, not just individuals.

This is what will lead to national reformation. This is what it means "if my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves, and repent... then I will heal their land."

In succeeding posts I would like to dig deeper into more specific ways of doing this. Input appreciated.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-23-2019, 09:16 PM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Subversion artists masquerading as religious leaders would dupe you into thinking there's nothing you can do, and that there's nothing that will be done, just wait for the rapture. Or just keep doing your thing (putting your money and productivity into the economy, maintaining your financial support of the very system trying to enslave and destroy you) and wait to die and go to heaven. These types of solutions, carefully crafted as "prophecy teaching" and "separation from the world" teachings, come in a variety of forms but are all designed to accomplish a simple goal: neutralise you and get you to do essentially nothing genuinely productive.
When a people have the barbarians at the gate, and they believe it is a manifest destiny of God. They won't put up a fight. They will just look up and wait for the mother ship to beam them up.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-23-2019, 09:51 PM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
When a people have the barbarians at the gate, and they believe it is a manifest destiny of God. They won't put up a fight. They will just look up and wait for the mother ship to beam them up.
Exactly. The Mayans were conquered without much of a fight because the Mayans believed it was "divine destiny" for the Spaniards to conquer them. In fact, if I remember correctly, the Spaniards staged their arrival to mimick Mayan prophecies and religious beliefs, in order to better convince them resistance was futile.
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Last edited by Esaias; 03-23-2019 at 11:39 PM.
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Old 03-23-2019, 10:49 PM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Exactly. The Mayans were conquered without much of a fight because the Mayans believed it was "divine destiny" for the Sapaniards to conquer them. In fact, if I remember correctly, the Spaniards staged their arrival to mimick Mayan prophecies and religious beliefs, in order to better convince them resistance was futile.
This sounds so wrong.
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Old 03-23-2019, 11:45 PM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
This sounds so wrong.
The way I understood it, the Mayans believed their god Quetzalcoatl would return from the eastern sea and that would be the end of their civilization. The Spaniards learned this from neighboring tribes, so they made a big public landing at the sea shore in full armour, riding horses off the ships through the surf onto the shore and marching straight at their capital city. The shining armor, horses, and plumed helmets convinced the Mayans that Quetzalcoatl and his divine retinue had arrived, thus they surrendered without a fight.

That's the way I remember the history. Of course, since we've gone long last 1984 (!), I'm sure the official story is now something different.

But, the application to today should not be missed. It makes perfect sense to use someone's religious beliefs against them if you plan on subverting and conquering them. "Resistance is futile, you will be absorbed."
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Old 03-24-2019, 12:11 AM
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Re: Planned Destruction of Civilisation

1. Individual reformation. Get your life lined up with God's KINGDOM. Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God (His Dominion, reign, rulership) and His righteousness (His justice, His ways of thinking and doing things, as spelled out in His Word). Start regulating your life, all areas, by the Word. Your financial decisions, lifestyle, how you raise your kids, etc.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Some additional starter information is here, in this thread: http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com...ad.php?t=53027

It contains information that will help the reader understand in what direction reformation (personal, family, church, community, etc) needs to go, and practical tips on getting it done.
The reason I linked to that thread was to avoid duplicating the posts in that thread here. The linked discussion covers a bit of necessary understanding concerning what exactly we're supposed to be doing as Christians, what our purpose is. I will copy a small segment here, though, because it gets to the heart of the matter:

If the church considers it's mission to simply "get folks saved so they can make heaven their home" then the church is woefully failing in it's primary mission. The Great Commission charges the church with teaching the nations to OBEY CHRIST IN ALL THINGS, not getting them to "join the church" and pass their time waiting for death or a rapture. Our kingship is a priestly kingship, modelled on Christ's, His being of the order of Melchizedek, who was both a priest and a king. Therefore, our reigning includes mediatorial priest duties. And the priest's job description includes that of teaching the Law (the Word of God) to the people, and promoting obedience.

So it is time we start looking into just what exactly is involved in the authority we have been given as kings and priests, HERE AND NOW, and begin to act accordingly. ... we need to work out the salvation we have been given, that is to say, we need to begin to manifest the salvation God has made available for us so the nations will see and hear and submit to God.

We have a purpose. Too many people do not understand what their purpose is, or they may have an intellectual concept of it but have not started living for that purpose. Our purpose is to advance the Kingdom of God. This is not done simply by telling people about Jesus and telling them to get saved and join our church, and then spending the rest of their lives just being "good people" and putting money in the offering plate and warming a pew.

The Kingdom advancing involves the life of God manifesting through us in all we do. Jesus is the WORD MADE FLESH, He is GOD MANIFEST IN FLESH. We are to be conformed to His likeness, to be like Him. God desires to manifest Himself in and through us. That means His ways, His righteousness, His morals and ethics, His truth, His power, His reality, demonstrated to the world through us, through YOU. This requires a wholesale conformity of your thinking, your thought processes, your worldview, your attitude, your opinions, your beliefs, your decisions, your choices, your lifestyle, your finances, your goals, your living arrangements, your career, your activities, EVERYTHING must be conformed to the Word of God, so that it is no longer you living your life, but Christ living His life in and through you.

This is the seldom preached and seldom understood doctrine of God-Manifestation.

Your purpose is God-Manifestation. Your purpose is to be a walking, talking, living manifestation of the nature, character, power, and presence of Almighty God. THIS is how God has chosen to reveal Himself to the nations of mankind. And you are called to be a part of that programme of Divine Revelation. And moreover, this God-Manifestation is eminently practical. It doesn't involve kooky "Latter Rain" or "new apostolic reformation" LARPing or fantasy world play acting. It involves people actually living out the Word of God by the Spirit.
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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

Last edited by Esaias; 03-24-2019 at 12:17 AM.
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