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Old 02-09-2019, 05:54 PM
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Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field Run

Congratulations Scott P. You are visitor # 1 to this post.

But seriously people...we need to have a serious talk about hypocrisy.

If you declare that abortion is murder but are ok with policing the world and ending innocent lives all the while saying, "Collateral Damage and acceptable losses" you're a hypocrite.

"Well they are our enemies"

Oh ok...then that "Love your enemy" thing doesnt apply....gotcha.

Patriotism doesnt override Holiness and if God says that shedding of innocent blood is wrong we do not have the green light to authorize a proxy to do what God calls evil in our name that we dont have the authority to commit ourselves.

If you dont agree with that reasoning...that means if I dont like you, I can get someone else to assault you and since I didnt do it personally...I remain blameless....

Remember...David didnt personally spill the blood of Uriah...but Nathan confronted DAVID...NOT the enemy soldier that actually did the killing...

So is God ok with harping on abortion from the pulpit and protesting at clinics but NOT speaking out against nation tampering and feeding rhe death machine called the Military Industrial Complex ala Boeing/Raytheon?

Or is it only American babies we care about?

Is our cause we have declared just?

Have we been given a special blank check indulgence from the Almighty to commit murder?

Quick Benincasa! Does murder in Greek only apply to American innocents?

Im afraid when it comes to speaking out against evil...its always tempting to point out the evil from the other side but have we become so full of bread that we cannot see the corpses piled high around our feet?

Abortion/State sanctioned murder is two sides of the same coin...the coin of death.

Are we called to bring death or life?
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-09-2019, 05:58 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

We got Marco Rubio virtue signalling with with pro life posts mentioning how "Before you saw the womb I knew you sanctified you" but wanted to talk about the need for "Regime Change" in Libya in a 2012 article....guess Jesus only loves and sanctifies American babies...
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-09-2019, 07:29 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

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Old 02-09-2019, 07:59 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by n david View Post

Blame Aquila.

I guess I was standing too close when he got taken up/banned and I got a double portion when I picked up his wallet that fell out his pocket.

I mean...whats he gonna need money for in a flaming chariot right?

But seriously man..

Its a simple question.

Do we as Christians have the right to support the evil that someone else commits in our name?

It seems like we have terminal case of "Theend justifiesthemeansitis" when it comes to meddling.

Is it because of the intense focus on endtimes prophecy in the middle east that we feel like as long as we are helping God *win* Hes gonna give us a pass?

Look...yes admittedly I titled this as a "gotcha" to ward against a common driveby posting habit by a certain member who shall remain nameless*cough cough Harry Morse cough cough *

Sorry...sinus drainage.

But God has been dealing with me heavily to the point of tears about this.

There are certain arguments I was never exposed to because of denominal/political affiliations.

With Jesus telling us telling us what to do concerning our *neighbor* and who that is, and all what He says about what we are to do with our enemy...does it only apply when the enemy is a singular entity...an individual?

Or is it negated when a group of individuals choose a side opposing yours?

How many unconverted Apostle Pauls have we bombed into a pink mist?

Or were they pre ordained to meet their end by the sword wielded by Gods favorite people? Former or current?

If we are committing murder in the name of our God...what makes an American cultural *christian*any better than the Muslim extremist?

Is it "You can do whatever you want as long as its in my name?"

Why arent our pulpits ringing with calls for repentance as a nation for THAT?

See, I guess I should have just kept my blinders on and stayed ignorant...the arguement could be easily made that I still am.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-09-2019, 09:18 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
We got Marco Rubio virtue signalling with with pro life posts mentioning how "Before you saw the womb I knew you sanctified you" but wanted to talk about the need for "Regime Change" in Libya in a 2012 article....guess Jesus only loves and sanctifies American babies...
Marco Rubio is a 3 dollar bill who does what he's paid to do by his handlers.
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Old 02-09-2019, 09:24 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Blame Aquila.

I guess I was standing too close when he got taken up/banned and I got a double portion when I picked up his wallet that fell out his pocket.

I mean...whats he gonna need money for in a flaming chariot right?

But seriously man..

Its a simple question.

Do we as Christians have the right to support the evil that someone else commits in our name?

It seems like we have terminal case of "Theend justifiesthemeansitis" when it comes to meddling.

Is it because of the intense focus on endtimes prophecy in the middle east that we feel like as long as we are helping God *win* Hes gonna give us a pass?

Look...yes admittedly I titled this as a "gotcha" to ward against a common driveby posting habit by a certain member who shall remain nameless*cough cough Harry Morse cough cough *

Sorry...sinus drainage.

But God has been dealing with me heavily to the point of tears about this.

There are certain arguments I was never exposed to because of denominal/political affiliations.

With Jesus telling us telling us what to do concerning our *neighbor* and who that is, and all what He says about what we are to do with our enemy...does it only apply when the enemy is a singular entity...an individual?

Or is it negated when a group of individuals choose a side opposing yours?

How many unconverted Apostle Pauls have we bombed into a pink mist?

Or were they pre ordained to meet their end by the sword wielded by Gods favorite people? Former or current?

If we are committing murder in the name of our God...what makes an American cultural *christian*any better than the Muslim extremist?

Is it "You can do whatever you want as long as its in my name?"

Why arent our pulpits ringing with calls for repentance as a nation for THAT?

See, I guess I should have just kept my blinders on and stayed ignorant...the arguement could be easily made that I still am.
There is such a thing as a "just war". Unfortunately, we haven't been in one of those since the late 1800s.

And more sadly, most Christians in America don't seem to be able to recognize the differences between Divinely sanctioned war and Divinely prohibited war.
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Old 02-09-2019, 10:12 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
There is such a thing as a "just war". Unfortunately, we haven't been in one of those since the late 1800s.

And more sadly, most Christians in America don't seem to be able to recognize the differences between Divinely sanctioned war and Divinely prohibited war.

Something....broke inside me recently about this man. I started seeing people in ways Ive never seen them before. Ive purposed to do my best to minister to everyone I come in contact with and the more I yield the easier it gets and the bolder I get and now daily at least once I am ministering strongly in prayer with passengers, encouraging them in ways where God speaks so gently but clearly into their lives.

The more I flowed in this I began to hear His voice infinitely clearer and the more I realized that what I was feeling wasnt an emotion originating from me but from Him.

It started to make some things quite clear as to where He stood on some issues.

That clarity brought surety...that surety brought boldness.

Guys...its been rough. We have been under some clearly coordinated attacks against our minds and our health and God absolutely showed Himself strong on our behalf.

Bro. Benincasa has been an anazing source of encouragement and support and I can honestly say that I and my family owe our lives primarily to Gods mercy and secondarily to Bro.being sensitive to Jesus.

I know he csn argue, troll and fuss with the best of them but the good sir from the lousy state of Florida is used of God and he wasnt used of God against his will.

He had a choice to obey or disobey the voice of the Lord and in choosing obedience he literally exercised implied consent*its a medical term and an apt description*and in obeying he chose life for my family when I deserved the opposite.

Actions have consequences. Either for good or evil...obedience or disobedience...life or death.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-10-2019, 05:14 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
If you declare that abortion is murder but are ok with policing the world and ending innocent lives all the while saying, "Collateral Damage and acceptable losses" you're a hypocrite.
First, abortion and war aren't comparable, but you like soapboxes so I won't stop you.
Second, I'm not okay with "policing the world." I do support national defense, including attacking those who either have or would do harm to this country and its citizens. Unfortunately, this means the use of bombs and bullets and people will die.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
"Well they are our enemies"

Oh ok...then that "Love your enemy" thing doesnt apply....gotcha.
Do you believe in national defense? It doesn't appear you do. I would also assume if a man were attacking your wife, you would simply stand there offering words of love or affirmation instead of defending her.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Patriotism doesnt override Holiness and if God says that shedding of innocent blood is wrong we do not have the green light to authorize a proxy to do what God calls evil in our name that we dont have the authority to commit ourselves.
"Patriotism doesn't override Holiness," now there's a bumper sticker!

Neither the POTUS nor his Joint Chiefs need us to authorize them to declare war. We don't green light or authorize anything, especially war.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
If you dont agree with that reasoning...that means if I dont like you, I can get someone else to assault you and since I didnt do it personally...I remain blameless....
This logic is as bad as your punctuation.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Remember...David didnt personally spill the blood of Uriah...but Nathan confronted DAVID...NOT the enemy soldier that actually did the killing...
Ooookay. A bit more to the story you left out.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
So is God ok with harping on abortion from the pulpit and protesting at clinics but NOT speaking out against nation tampering and feeding rhe death machine called the Military Industrial Complex ala Boeing/Raytheon?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Or is it only American babies we care about?

Is our cause we have declared just?

Have we been given a special blank check indulgence from the Almighty to commit murder?

Im afraid when it comes to speaking out against evil...its always tempting to point out the evil from the other side but have we become so full of bread that we cannot see the corpses piled high around our feet?

Abortion/State sanctioned murder is two sides of the same coin...the coin of death.

Are we called to bring death or life?
Must be a guest post by Aquila, because this is liberal, social justice stuff being preached from most Lutheran or Episcopal lecterns each Sunday.

America ... bad!
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Old 02-10-2019, 07:46 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by n david View Post

Neither the POTUS nor his Joint Chiefs need us to authorize them to declare war. We don't green light or authorize anything, especially war.

I thought the Congress (our proxies) were the ones authorized to declare war. The President and/or Joint Chiefs don't have any lawful authority to declare war.

But, nobody cares about the rule of law these days, so we get what got. And what's coming.
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Old 02-10-2019, 07:50 PM
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Re: Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Something....broke inside me recently about this man.
What man? Brother Benincasa? He's one of the good guys, for sure.
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