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Old 09-22-2018, 05:09 PM
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Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

I was standing in the hall way entrance of a beach condominium I was doing construction on. When an individual heard me tell the desk manager "Praise the Lord in Jesus name." The individual commented to me that the there is no Jesus. I understand that within Palm, Broward, and Dade counties we are jam packed and full with all sorts of different cults, religions, and sects who believe all sorts of mythologies. So, I asked him, what did he mean, no Jesus?

He then went into his rant on how that Jesus isn't the name, but Yahshua is the name. How Yahweh is the name of the father, and Yahshua is the name of the son. I then asked him who told you this? I also asked him if he knew or spoke any Hebrew or Aramaic? He said no. I then asked then how do you even know if you are pronouncing it correctly? I asked him if the New Testament is written in Hebrew, or Aramaic? He agreed with me that it was written in Greek. I then asked if it is written in Greek, then where do you get that Jesus required or even cared that we call Him using a Hebrew, or Aramaic name? He then gave me the old line "what did Mary call Him?" I said Iesous. He then began to explain how Iesous, means Hail Zeus. I asked him to say Zeus in Greek. He replied Zeus, I told him that is incorrect. You are not saying Ζεύς which is phonetically pronounced zeffs. People tend to just take these word jumbles at face value, and never go any further because they want to believe in their Hebraisms for Jesus. I then told the individual that for over 2,000 years everyone has called Him Jesus in Christendom and Judaism? How does he account for the LXX calling the book of Joshua Ἰησοῦς? Why did Diaspora Judeans record Moses' second in command as Ἰησοῦς (which supposedly to him is "hail Zeus?") The individual went silent, he then took my number, and gave me his. I will meet with his group and see how receptive they are for what I have to say on the subject.
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Old 09-22-2018, 06:27 PM
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I was standing in the hall way entrance of a beach condominium I was doing construction on. When an individual heard me tell the desk manager "Praise the Lord in Jesus name." The individual commented to me that the there is no Jesus. I understand that within Palm, Broward, and Dade counties we are jam packed and full with all sorts of different cults, religions, and sects who believe all sorts of mythologies. So, I asked him, what did he mean, no Jesus?

He then went into his rant on how that Jesus isn't the name, but Yahshua is the name. How Yahweh is the name of the father, and Yahshua is the name of the son. I then asked him who told you this? I also asked him if he knew or spoke any Hebrew or Aramaic? He said no. I then asked then how do you even know if you are pronouncing it correctly? I asked him if the New Testament is written in Hebrew, or Aramaic? He agreed with me that it was written in Greek. I then asked if it is written in Greek, then where do you get that Jesus required or even cared that we call Him using a Hebrew, or Aramaic name? He then gave me the old line "what did Mary call Him?" I said Iesous. He then began to explain how Iesous, means Hail Zeus. I asked him to say Zeus in Greek. He replied Zeus, I told him that is incorrect. You are not saying Ζεύς which is phonetically pronounced zeffs. People tend to just take these word jumbles at face value, and never go any further because they want to believe in their Hebraisms for Jesus. I then told the individual that for over 2,000 years everyone has called Him Jesus in Christendom and Judaism? How does he account for the LXX calling the book of Joshua Ἰησοῦς? Why did Diaspora Judeans record Moses' second in command as Ἰησοῦς (which supposedly to him is "hail Zeus?") The individual went silent, he then took my number, and gave me his. I will meet with his group and see how receptive they are for what I have to say on the subject.

Smart cookie!

I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that discussion.
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Old 09-22-2018, 07:26 PM
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Smart cookie!

I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that discussion.
That would of been nice.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 09-23-2018, 03:20 PM
CalledOut238 CalledOut238 is offline

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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Most scholars realize that classical biblical Hebrew is a dead language. The original was written in Paleo Hebrew script with consonants not being integrated until around 6 BC. Hebrew in ancient times was written and read up through the latter part of the first millennium AD without vowel pointing. When exiled in to Babylon the Masoretes started to integrate the Aramaic script or square script. Masoretes introduced the niqqud vowel pointing; trying to preserve their pronunciation and interpretive tradition, but vowel points are not original. Nobody knows how Paleo Hebrew was pronounced and vowel pointing has been proven suspect. Modern Hebrew has basteridzed even the Masoretic vowel pointing. By incorporating Slavic, Aramaic, Sephardic and Yiddish this revived language is not even close to the original Hebrew.

“Since Ben-Yehuda and other early revivalists spoke only broken Hebrew, their grammar, while reflecting (Late) Biblical Hebrew, also exhibited significant aspects of Yiddish, Russian, Lithuanian and sometimes even German and French. And in most cases the revivalists were probably not even aware of this grammar mixing, much the same way that people who speak a foreign language often unknowingly make mistakes based on the grammar of their native language.”

These modern Hebrew variations of Jesus come from Jeshua the High Priest in the Old Testament. The mongrelizing Masoretic niqqud vowel points are being used for the modern Hebrew names for Jesus. Yeshua (ישוע‬), Yeshu (ישו‬) Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ). But the names keep coming with Yahusha, Yahushua, Yahuwshuwa and I am sure there will be more. These names are a modern creation using Masoretic scripts and niqqud vowel points to cause division in the church. The name Yeshua; and Modern Hebrew, is extensively used by followers of Messianic Judaism. Coincidence? Zephaniah prophesied of a pure language. So those who clamor about the Greek language being pagan cannot call modern Hebrew a pure language.

Zephaniah 3:9 (KJV) For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

I would ask these wayward Hebrew linguists why Greek Iesous; and English Jesus, the most recognized through all nations for our Savior? Why have people been healed in the name of Jesus? Because from a historical perspective the name Yeshua does not match the prophecy of Matthew.

Matthew 12:21 (KJV) And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

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Old 09-23-2018, 05:44 PM
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Called Out...I don't always agree with you...but you hit the nail on the head with this post!
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Old 09-24-2018, 09:37 AM
CalledOut238 CalledOut238 is offline

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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Called Out...I don't always agree with you...but you hit the nail on the head with this post!
This subject is personal to me. I had a Hebrew Roots person convince me that Jesus was a substitute name for the Messiah. I will forever regret my questioning the wonderful blessing that I received being baptized in Jesus name. I continue to pray about his name to this day. And the answer that I receive; “He knows all languages, and mine is English.”

This is an insidious trap for those who are zealous for studying original texts. I pray that no one ever feels the pain I felt when someone told me my baptism in Jesus name was invalid. I would debate any Hebrew Roots; or Sacred Name fraud, to keep others from feeling this pain. Was there any good that came of my experience? I studied to shew myself approved in defense of his English Name. But realize that an Aramaic speaker can use Eashoa just as a Greek speaker can use Iesous. We should not be made ashamed of our heritage, culture and language by legalist who cause division. I do love how Matthew translates with a Greek Scripture Analyzer to affirm that we rely on the name of Jesus.

Interlinear Scripture Analyzer (CLV) Matthew 12:21

And on His name the nations will be relying.

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Old 09-24-2018, 12:09 PM
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I was standing in the hall way entrance of a beach condominium I was doing construction on. When an individual heard me tell the desk manager "Praise the Lord in Jesus name." The individual commented to me that the there is no Jesus. I understand that within Palm, Broward, and Dade counties we are jam packed and full with all sorts of different cults, religions, and sects who believe all sorts of mythologies. So, I asked him, what did he mean, no Jesus?

He then went into his rant on how that Jesus isn't the name, but Yahshua is the name. How Yahweh is the name of the father, and Yahshua is the name of the son. I then asked him who told you this? I also asked him if he knew or spoke any Hebrew or Aramaic? He said no. I then asked then how do you even know if you are pronouncing it correctly? I asked him if the New Testament is written in Hebrew, or Aramaic? He agreed with me that it was written in Greek. I then asked if it is written in Greek, then where do you get that Jesus required or even cared that we call Him using a Hebrew, or Aramaic name? He then gave me the old line "what did Mary call Him?" I said Iesous. He then began to explain how Iesous, means Hail Zeus. I asked him to say Zeus in Greek. He replied Zeus, I told him that is incorrect. You are not saying Ζεύς which is phonetically pronounced zeffs. People tend to just take these word jumbles at face value, and never go any further because they want to believe in their Hebraisms for Jesus. I then told the individual that for over 2,000 years everyone has called Him Jesus in Christendom and Judaism? How does he account for the LXX calling the book of Joshua Ἰησοῦς? Why did Diaspora Judeans record Moses' second in command as Ἰησοῦς (which supposedly to him is "hail Zeus?") The individual went silent, he then took my number, and gave me his. I will meet with his group and see how receptive they are for what I have to say on the subject.
I have failed to meet one person who believes this sacred name doctrine all variations that can speak or read Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek. Good job.
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Old 09-24-2018, 12:11 PM
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by CalledOut238 View Post
Most scholars realize that classical biblical Hebrew is a dead language. The original was written in Paleo Hebrew script with consonants not being integrated until around 6 BC. Hebrew in ancient times was written and read up through the latter part of the first millennium AD without vowel pointing. When exiled in to Babylon the Masoretes started to integrate the Aramaic script or square script. Masoretes introduced the niqqud vowel pointing; trying to preserve their pronunciation and interpretive tradition, but vowel points are not original. Nobody knows how Paleo Hebrew was pronounced and vowel pointing has been proven suspect. Modern Hebrew has basteridzed even the Masoretic vowel pointing. By incorporating Slavic, Aramaic, Sephardic and Yiddish this revived language is not even close to the original Hebrew.

“Since Ben-Yehuda and other early revivalists spoke only broken Hebrew, their grammar, while reflecting (Late) Biblical Hebrew, also exhibited significant aspects of Yiddish, Russian, Lithuanian and sometimes even German and French. And in most cases the revivalists were probably not even aware of this grammar mixing, much the same way that people who speak a foreign language often unknowingly make mistakes based on the grammar of their native language.”

These modern Hebrew variations of Jesus come from Jeshua the High Priest in the Old Testament. The mongrelizing Masoretic niqqud vowel points are being used for the modern Hebrew names for Jesus. Yeshua (ישוע‬), Yeshu (ישו‬) Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ). But the names keep coming with Yahusha, Yahushua, Yahuwshuwa and I am sure there will be more. These names are a modern creation using Masoretic scripts and niqqud vowel points to cause division in the church. The name Yeshua; and Modern Hebrew, is extensively used by followers of Messianic Judaism. Coincidence? Zephaniah prophesied of a pure language. So those who clamor about the Greek language being pagan cannot call modern Hebrew a pure language.

Zephaniah 3:9 (KJV) For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

I would ask these wayward Hebrew linguists why Greek Iesous; and English Jesus, the most recognized through all nations for our Savior? Why have people been healed in the name of Jesus? Because from a historical perspective the name Yeshua does not match the prophecy of Matthew.

Matthew 12:21 (KJV) And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

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Old 09-24-2018, 01:22 PM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Somebody needs to let all those demons that have been cast out by Apostolic preachers know they didn't actually have to come out because someone was using the wrong name!
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Old 09-24-2018, 02:26 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Yeshuaism, Yahwist, יהוה vs נקניקיה

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
Somebody needs to let all those demons that have been cast out by Apostolic preachers know they didn't actually have to come out because someone was using the wrong name!

What about the demons cast out by trinitarian preachers?
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