Originally Posted by n david
What are you talking about, Willis?
Discernment? I voted for Trump because I agreed with his policies more than I did Hillary Clinton's.
I wasn't voting for a religious leader.
Speaking of discernment, where's yours? You align yourself with socialists, communists and others who support gay marriage and murdering unborn babies.
Gays pay taxes, give them the right to live as they wish. Every man will answer to God for his own sin. And please note, a conservative majority court ruled in favor of their liberty to marry. It isn't going to change.
Abortion was made legal by conservatives, and sadly, they'll keep it that way. It isn't going to change.
Let's be frank. Abortion and gay marriage being legal is the best thing to ever happen to the Republican Party. Conservative courts made them legal. Conservative politicians benefit from it. Why? Because millions will vote Republican based strictly on those yep issues without a serious thought of other issues. Three Republicans have had enough power in the courts, the White House, and Congress to prohibit these things several times if they were serious. When they say they are for "traditional marriage" and are "prolife", but they're lying. They will keep these things legal for as long as they can to capitalize of the issues. Just watch, they'll drop the ball, sabotage their own legislation (which they've done several times), and act outraged over and over for the simple minded and emotionally manipulatable. Truth is, it's settled law in their minds. They only posture to make them wedge issues. If you sat in on back room conversations, you'd be shocked how much they mock the Christian vote that gets them elected.
Democrats... they see it as settled law and are open and honest about it. Some radical feminists will ratchet up the threat of Roe being overturned, but everyone knows it's just a scare tactic to mobilize the feminist vote. But most liberals know conservative courts made these legal, it isn't changing. That's why liberals will actually vote to appoint conservative justices, and why Obama gladly have his chance to appoint a liberal to the conservatives. They all know the Republican posturing is a joke on these issues.
Those interested in healthcare, infrastructure, clean energy, conservation, alliances, and civil rights vote Democrat. Most Democratic voters don't "support" these things. They just acknowledge settled law and concentrate on these weightier issues.
It takes discernment to see that the Republicans wallow and celebrate in the blood of innocents, because it gets them votes.
Democrats are honest sinners. Republicans are lying sinners, pretending to honor life and family, while capitalizing on the issues every election.