Originally Posted by Esaias
Anyone who is familiar with how insurgencies work can see clearly where this is heading.
What is amazing to me is the normalcy bias so many people suffer from. This isn't just a case of "oh look, unconnected independent groups don't like non-liberal ideas so they use their rights to control their own platforms." What's going on is a coordinated, well-financed effort to subvert the nation. It's not just "those dumb liberals", it's those well funded, directed, controlled, united communist subversives.
It's literally CLASSIC INFORMATION OPS and low-intensity warfare. I mean L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y. No hyperbole, no metaphor, no analogy. And, these people have a definite, proven track record of MASS MURDER of dissidents.
So, ignore them at your own peril.
"But, what am *I* supposed to do?"
1. If you were in Weimar Germany or 1915 Russia, knowing how things turned out, what would you busy yourself with?
2. Pray. Pray the bad guys fail. Pray for protection.
3. Build an Ark. Get as independent as possible from reliance on the current system for your Basic Needs (food, water, shelter). Grow/raise your food or at least befriend those who can/do. Get to know your neighbors, educate them, network with them to develop a safety net and mutual support network in case things get rough. Etc.
4. Talk to people. Be a dissident who won't shut up. Loudly comment on the Emperor's New Clothes. You will help encourage others to do so.
5. Give no place to the devil, including communists and their SJW useful idiots. Boycott them, shame them, and run them out of your life. Being polite and nice is code for surrender. No rape victim should take it quietly. Well, your nation, culture, future, and family are in the process of being raped. Figuratively now, but quite likely literally in the future, if history is any guide. Act accordingly.