"""Discover what other Christians don't know."""
Why the Need for this Bible?
Today, there are more than 100 English versions of the Tanakh (Old Testament) that have been translated from the original Hebrew Bible.
Trying to understand the differences between them is a study all its own.
So why do we believe another version is needed?
Nearly all Christian bibles are translated from either a Christian bias (trying to import the New Testament ideologies and Jesus into the Hebrew Bible), or the Jewish English Bibles minimalize Messianic passages (trying to keep the Messiah out).
Bias is a hazard when approaching Bible Translation. It is such a minefield that Dr. Philip Noss, a Consultant with the American Bible society gave this warning.
“Bible translation is never innocent. There is always motivation for translation, and inevitably there are implications and consequences to the act of translation.”
Our motivation for producing the Messianic Prophecy Bible is not theologically biased.
Our translators are working to produce a text that is as close to the most ancient manuscripts as possible; while maintaining the meanings of phrases and their nuances during the time they were written.
Our desire is to help both Jewish and Christian readers understand the text better, not only through the translation, and also through notes.
The foot notes will help readers understand where there are difficulties of translation and why. It will also give alternative translations of particularly difficult verses and passages. This will give the reader the ability to see various viewpoints and come to their own conclusions.
The coming of the Messiah is central to both Judaism and Christianity. There are numerous passages that are considered Messianic by both Judaism and Christianity.
We will present both Jewish and Christian interpretations of these Messianic Scriptures.
This Bible will help all readers understand that there are various ways to view these Messianic passages. They will be presented as a discussion, not as a debate. It is important to learn how others see Messianic prophecy from their respective viewpoints and in their own words.
To achieve this, we are having both Jewish scholars and Rabbis working alongside Christian/Messianic scholars to present the understanding of the Prophecies from within there own communities.
Each Messianic Prophecy will be explained with commentary from both viewpoints."""
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