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View Poll Results: Would you ever choose "not to preach against sin"?
Without question, YES! Spreading the Gospel is more important than preaching against sin. 0 0%
Absolutely Not! The spreading of the Gospel message is equal in importance as preaching against sin. 14 87.50%
Maybe, I’d have to pray a lot about it. 2 12.50%
Voters: 16. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-22-2007, 01:26 PM
Lost Lost is offline
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Question Would you ever choose "not to preach against sin"?

If preaching against homosexuality ever became a “hate crime” punishable by imprisonment, would you ever choose “not to preach” against homosexuality or some other sin(s) - to be able to continue to preach the Good News – Acts 2:38 message to more souls?

What say ye?
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:27 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:47 PM

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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
If preaching against homosexuality ever became a “hate crime” punishable by imprisonment, would you ever choose “not to preach” against homosexuality or some other sin(s) - to be able to continue to preach the Good News – Acts 2:38 message to more souls?

What say ye?
I don't like the answers in the poll. You are creating a false dichotomy because part of preaching the gospel necessitates preaching against sin. After all, how are you going to help people understand the need to repent if you don't tell them about sin?
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
I don't like the answers in the poll. You are creating a false dichotomy because part of preaching the gospel necessitates preaching against sin. After all, how are you going to help people understand the need to repent if you don't tell them about sin?
Good point.
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:58 PM
Lost Lost is offline
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
I don't like the answers in the poll. You are creating a false dichotomy because part of preaching the gospel necessitates preaching against sin. After all, how are you going to help people understand the need to repent if you don't tell them about sin?
A necessity that pastors and preachers will need to carefully consider in the near future. It isn't a "false dichotomy", it is a future reality eventually to be faced.

One will either forfeit the aspect of preaching against "some sins" or forfeit their right to openly preach. They would then be forced to trade their shirt and tie for the ole' ball-n-chain.

So, does one continue preaching the Apostolic message - Acts 2:38 message and just say that the Spirit will help lead you into all righteousness? Or do they keep the Gospel message - Holiness preaching packaged together, for a potentially much shorter time (at the cost of exposing less people to the Word)?
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Old 06-22-2007, 02:30 PM

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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
A necessity that pastors and preachers will need to carefully consider in the near future. It isn't a "false dichotomy", it is a future reality eventually to be faced.

One will either forfeit the aspect of preaching against "some sins" or forfeit their right to openly preach. They would then be forced to trade their shirt and tie for the ole' ball-n-chain.

So, does one continue preaching the Apostolic message - Acts 2:38 message and just say that the Spirit will help lead you into all righteousness? Or do they keep the Gospel message - Holiness preaching packaged together, for a potentially much shorter time (at the cost of exposing less people to the Word)?
One is not preaching the gospel if the message does not also include preaching against sin.
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Old 06-22-2007, 02:56 PM
Lost Lost is offline
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
One is not preaching the gospel if the message does not also include preaching against sin.
Yet why doesn't happen more in today's churches? There are things I've seen in saints and young people in the last several years that I wouldn't have even dared thinking about, much less do, growing up. Saints, by the bus-load, are acting, looking, and talking like the world more than they ever have before.

Are preachers trying to make the message more palatable by taking the "bite" out of the Bible?

Either preachers aren't preaching it, saints aren't living it, or a combination of both. Why?
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Old 06-22-2007, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
One is not preaching the gospel if the message does not also include preaching against sin.
100% right on. Got to have the bad news so the good news will be 'good'.
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Old 06-22-2007, 03:10 PM
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Lost, go listen to Ray Comfort's message.... Hell's Best Kept Secret....

it will give you a bit more perspective regarding the matter....
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Old 06-22-2007, 03:19 PM

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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
Yet why doesn't happen more in today's churches?
Well, there is that passage in one of the letters to Timothy about tickling ears.

There are things I've seen in saints and young people in the last several years that I wouldn't have even dared thinking about, much less do, growing up. Saints, by the bus-load, are acting, looking, and talking like the world more than they ever have before.
And it's going to get worse; but guess what: if they're living like the world and adopting the world's values, they're not saints.

Are preachers trying to make the message more palatable by taking the "bite" out of the Bible?
Go back to my "tickling ears" comment.

Either preachers aren't preaching it, saints aren't living it, or a combination of both. Why?
It's both and the reason why it's that way is that too much of the Church has become corrupted by the world. We try to conform the Bible to the values of the world and try to make excuses as to why particular commands or principles in the New Testament just can't possibly be applied to us today. Two examples of what I'm talking about are the way some Christians don't take the Creation account in Genesis literally (and, in so doing, they're accommodating evolution) and the way so much of the Church today has brought wicked worldly philosophies like psychology into the Church (actually, all worldly philosophies are wicked simply because they're of the world).
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