Suits: Guilt By Association
In another thread Bro. Urshan stated that those who wear beards are associated with homosexuals and drug people. Tho he said the Bible says nothing against beards, he then proceeds to show why its ok to shame those who have one.
So I will propose this. Since what other people do matters in the issue of beards lets look at the idea of suits.
Since if one wears a beard according to many Preachers logic makes him SEEM like he might be a drug user of homosexual, what kind of people IN THE WORLD wear suits?
Lying corrupt politicians?
CIA who plot the overthrow of nations and asassinate kings and presidents.
FBI who wearing nice suits while promising each other they will NOT allow the voters to chose their rulers.
Mafia killers.
Wall Street kings of greed.
Media types who push the new world order objectives?
And last but not least the men of HOLLYWOOD!
Now think about it. If beards are to be discouraged because of their (supposed) association with drug dealers and homosexuals, where does that leave people WEARING SUITS?
Does it make them SEEM like corrupt killers and kings of greed?
If not why? Its apparent that the famous powerful men of this WORLD love their suits! So why would then a Christian want to wear one ESPECIALLY on the sacred platform?
Why is there no platform standard against them when they are obviously associated with evil people?
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 07-02-2018 at 11:33 AM.