Funny things God has told us to do
Since on the hair thread we have been talking about magic hair I thought we all could tell a funny story of something we have done that we felt God told us to do...
Once my son Andrew needed to go to the states and the American consul here is known to be hateful and never smiling...The people fear her.
It is required to declare income tax, have something in your name, proof of upkeep in the states, permanent job in Brazil proving you will be back and on and on...
We stood in the line for over an hour and she denied person after person that had many documents, owned land, had good jobs etc...
When it was our turn the Lord spoke to me and said, "Tell her you are Mother Hubbard...and you have so many kids you don’t know what to do and this one needs to go to the states."
We HAD none of the required documents...he owned nothing...had no job, did not declare income tax...
I did exactly as God said...I said, I am Mother Hubbard....."
The sour looking lady burst out laughing and walked over to her helper and said, "that lady says she is mother Hubbard...they talked a while and Mrs. "lemon juice" came back smiling and said, "We are giving your son, his visa, you have made our day..."
We walked away the only ones that day that received a visa...other people outside saw my son and me smiling and asked how we did it. I only replied, "You really wouldn’t believe it."