Pastors. How to paralyze the Hebrew Roots doctrine
This thread is not a intended to be a debate thread. To some it may be "read only".
I have personally witnessed an epidemic sweeping though much of Christianity called Hebrew Roots.
It is far different than minor doctrines of the church, because it is a direct attack on the most fundamental Church teaching. The doctrine of Grace.
The Hebrew Roots brethren are opposing the ministry with very articulate arguments, causing wonderful, solid, Apostolic brethren and from every other Christian faith, to go back to try and keep the Law.
It is late, but I will in the coming days, explain how it is sweeping into the Christian Church and how to prevent it from ever occurring in your Church.
It definitely is preventable, but one most be able to clearly see the proper usage of the doctrine of Grace to keep the Church Law free.
Thanks, see you Monday, etc.
God bless.