I've noticed that no one mentioned this here. So, I thought I'd bring it up.
Imagine your Telecom company choosing to block Facebook. When you complain, they explain that the repeal of net neutrality gives them the authority to block any content they like. But, if you're really wanting to access Facebook, you can purchase their premium internet package...but it will increase your monthly bill. When you shop around, you discover that every Telecom company is going this direction, you're only left with choosing which service will increase your monthly bill the least.
Or what if it is your chosen news and information sites?
Given the number of Facebook users, and other social media, they stand to gain considerable profits. With this Administration and this Congress, the odds of passing new net neutrality laws are virtually zero. I think we can agree on that.
By this time next year, you'll see Telecom companies moving in mass to block or slow down popular social media, news, and information just to turn around and charge you more money, only to access the content that is now free.
It will most likely start small, like with mobile access. Then it will expand. That's what we're seeing in other countries.
Here's a link to the issue:
Here's a link to how it is working in other countries:
This will suck.