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03-11-2017, 06:47 PM
This is still that!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
Posts: 9,650
The Gates of hell shall not prevail
With everything going on in our Country, so much corruption in our government, enemies without and within, losing culture war battles, prayer in schools, abortion, same sex marriages, and being attacked for not being ok with it all, and on and on. I'm finding it a bit overwhelming.
Disney puts out a kids movie, *Beauty and the Beast* and introduces a gay character in to the mix, and hardly anyone even blinks. Christians are all excited about taking their kids to see it, at one time we would have been appalled. It seems we are like the frog in the kettle who became immune to the slowly rising temperature and didn't notice it was being cooked.
I've been praying for wisdom and understanding and I was reminded that Elijah was in the minority, but God gave him mighty victories in prayer.
Jesus conducted his ministry under Roman occupation. so did the Apostles and they turned their world upside down.
We have the same Holy Ghost as the Apostles did . . . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
We need to pray for our Government and our leaders, amen, but whatever happens, hell can't stop us.
I think the only thing that can stop us is our own complacency, lack of prayer, lack of fervent passionate desire for God's will to be done.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
03-11-2017, 06:59 PM
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Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Have to agree.
03-11-2017, 07:00 PM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Originally Posted by Amanah
Disney puts out a kids movie, *Beauty and the Beast* and introduces a gay character in to the mix, and hardly anyone even blinks. Christians are all excited about taking their kids to see it, at one time we would have been appalled. It seems we are like the frog in the kettle who became immune to the slowly rising temperature and didn't notice it was being cooked.
Disney has been increasingly anti-family since Walt died. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't paying attention.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
03-11-2017, 07:08 PM
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Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
I've read a lot of posts of people who are not going to see the movie. A couple people I know pre purchased tickets for it but ripped them up after finding out about the homosexual storyline. Most I know have chose to ignore it and not go.
I was looking forward to taking my daughter to see it. The trailers looked incredible. Not going anymore. Very disappointed that Disney chose to make this movie the first with a homosexual perv story.
03-11-2017, 07:32 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,250
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Originally Posted by Amanah
With everything going on in our Country, so much corruption in our government, enemies without and within, losing culture war battles, prayer in schools, abortion, same sex marriages, and being attacked for not being ok with it all, and on and on. I'm finding it a bit overwhelming.
The main issue is what I have been repeating over and over again. Postmodernism. Instead of the Church being special and exclusive it wanted to blend into the culture. It yearned to win souls with the culture the souls were already use to. Instead of seeing people repent of their filthy behavior the church told them to come as they are and STAY as they are. Standards of separation of appearance were ridiculed not by the sinners who were coming in and repenting, but by the individuals who were raised in the church and felt they were missing out on something. Individuals weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth because they weren't allowed to play Monopoly as a kid?
Girls telling of the woes of not being able to cut their hair, wear jewelry, and makeup?
While they were growing up with all those sad tales of woes, my friends and I were snorting heroin, and drinking Johnny Walker Black. Getting shot, stabbed, and all sorts of insanity. So when we came into the church we wanted to leave all the world behind. Yet, when we came into the church we had to navigate around the obstacle of CKs and PKs. It wasn't just limited to standard of appearances but how you worshipped, how loud you prayed in the prayer room. They were always beating their tin drum of balance. While balance is a necessity, some individuals just saw fervency in religion as a hindrance to the culture that was burning down around them. A culture they so badly wanted to be a part of with their rendition of the Churchism's Postmodernism.
Originally Posted by Amanah
Disney puts out a kids movie, *Beauty and the Beast* and introduces a gay character in to the mix, and hardly anyone even blinks.
But why should they blink? They have no standards of thought, or separation. You have to always remember that the world accepted female transgenderism of dress long long ago. Short hair, pants, so now we are supposed to be surprised because Disney has homosexual characters in their children shows? The Church is trying to be the "hold me, please hold me" atmosphere. Where it stands for nothing but accepts everything which is contrary. You can't tell the sinner from the saint, Satan throws his head back and laughs, while the pastor and his congregation sways back and forth to Lady Gaga sings "Applause."
Originally Posted by Amanah
Christians are all excited about taking their kids to see it,
Christians? That word is meaningless in this culture, Christianity has been replaced by Churchanity where doctrine is an abstract idea where no one is right. Everything is up to your own personal Jesus interpretation. Roaring down the broadway at full throttle, ripping through the gears over the broken bodies of the apostles, evangelists, prophets, teachers and pastors. Heading headlong over the cliff through the wide open gate.
Originally Posted by Amanah
at one time we would have been appalled.
The remnant is still appalled, while the majority shakes their fists at them.
Originally Posted by Amanah
It seems we are like the frog in the kettle who became immune to the slowly rising temperature and didn't notice it was being cooked.
Sorry to break this sad news but the frog is deader then fried chicken in the bottom of a greasy bucket. That started in the 70s, 80s, by the 90s he was belly up. Men use to be men, now they want to be sweeter then MeeMaw on Thanksgiving morning. They want to not offend anyone, no judging anything, come as you are and STAY as you are. We will build the church around your sins, around your ideas. The church is here to make you a better you, not to convert, but just make you a nice man.
Originally Posted by Amanah
I've been praying for wisdom and understanding and I was reminded that Elijah was in the minority, but God gave him mighty victories in prayer.
There you go! MINORITY.
That's the way it will always be, a remnant, a minority, a little flock. Sadly some focus on fame and fortune. Let's build bigger barns to store my Jesus name baptized bodies. People who don't have the foggiest idea why they do what they do, but are just a nicer version of who they once were. They are no different from the Jay Hove Witness or the nice Hari Krishna down the block. Everyone honey hugging their way straight to a devil's hell.
Originally Posted by Amanah
Jesus conducted his ministry under Roman occupation. so did the Apostles and they turned their world upside down.
We have the same Holy Ghost as the Apostles did . . . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
We need to pray for our Government and our leaders, amen, but whatever happens, hell can't stop us.
I think the only thing that can stop us is our own complacency, lack of prayer, lack of fervent passionate desire for God's will to be done.
Lack of prayer? How about lack of guts.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 03-11-2017 at 08:11 PM.
03-11-2017, 07:39 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,250
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Originally Posted by Jito463
Disney has been increasingly anti-family since Walt died. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't paying attention.
Disney's Fantasia had naked female centaurs?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
03-11-2017, 07:43 PM
Believe, Obey, Declare
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tupelo Ms.
Posts: 3,912
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
We have authority that we are not exercising and because we do not exercise this authority we are not seen as a threat.
Things are done blatently in front of us, strongholds are established, why? Because we are letting them.
Sure we are praying our prayers, "Lord heal, save, deliver, go there Lord...Do it Lord."
All the while the enemy walks among a weak neutered church.
We have been conditioned to believe that God meets with us at certain locations and at certain times. We are even conditioned to believe that God is stronger or more apt to heal, save and deliver at certain times during THOSE times.
We have a Omnipresent savior but we expect only Pool of Bethesda miracles, meaning "God only moves at a certain season and when He does we will know because the water is troubled."
We treat God as if He has to have a mood set and we beg as if healing, saving and delivering is our idea originally and we are trying to convince God of its merits.
You realize that we are begging God to do things that He already commanded and equipped us to do?
Country going to heck in a handbasket? Could it be because we self isolate inside spiritual ghettos we call churches?
Ever think that maybe...Just maybe we need to awaken to the authority we already possess and just OBEY what we have already been commanded to do?
I've never seen a scripture that says that God was pleased that people were sick, hell bound and in bondage.
Scripture after scripture I read where He healed them all. Even in the face of unbelief He was still able to work miracles.
I see time and time again where He was moved by compassion...The same spirit that was moved with compassion to heal...Isn't it inside us? Isn't this the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead and which will one day quicken our mortal bodies?
Isn't Jesus the same yesterday today and forever? If His goal was to give sight to the blind and set at liberty them that are bruised do you think that He somehow lost interest in that happening like someone losing interest in a hobby?
What part of the command to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and cast out devil's" are we clueless on? Did He stutter? Did He change His mind? Oooooh I get it. You gotta have a special ministry, position, calling or annointing to do that and see...That's not my thing.
I dont see any scripture that gives us the option to opt out on this.
There are three possibilities here.
1.We are unaware of the commandments given to us.
2. We are aware but we are not being obedient.
3. The Bible is false and there is no such thing as authority and power over sickness and demonic strongholds and if that's the case we just need to close up shop.
Obedience is the fuel that runs the engine of faith.
Don't believe me?
Faith without works is dead.
Not faith in works or salvation by works but a faith THAT works.
If there is obedience in the gas tank of faith we aren't going anywhere.
With no obedience we are the crazy family member sitting out in a rusted out shell of a car that's on cinder blocks pretending we are going somewhere.
Yeah this is rubbing some people the wrong way but honestly I dont care. Watching demons manifest in your loved one that has been bound and tortured as a child will kinda break you out of the "Well let's not upset anyone and rock the boat" mentality.
You're saying, "That's some big talk...what are you doing about it?"
I'll tell you what I'm doing, I've turned off TV, movies and podcasts I used to binge on and I've dedicated myself to the Word.
We went to Walmart today and you know what we did? We prayed before we walked in that we would meet someone we could tell about the goodness of God.
We walked in and began to shop and we struck up a conversation with a grandmother with her grandkids.
We talked for about 10 minutes and as we were leaving she said,"God bless you."
That was my open door! Hehe
I turned around and before I could stop myself I blurted out,"Oh He has! He has healed my wife miraculously 4 times in the past 3 weeks!" I told her the details and how we prayed for her in Jesus name and she was healed instantly and her eyes got big in amazement.
Everytime we go out in public I'm going to be intentially looking for someone to witness to, pray for.
I have a neighbor I'm going to pray for tomorrow.
I'm obeying what God has commanded me to do through scripture and we are going to see healings and deliverences in Jesus name.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
03-11-2017, 08:05 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,250
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Originally Posted by jediwill83
we have authority that we are not exercising and because we do not exercise this authority we are not seen as a threat.
Things are done blatently in front of us, strongholds are established, why? Because we are letting them.
Sure we are praying our prayers, "lord heal, save, deliver, go there lord...do it lord."
all the while the enemy walks among a weak neutered church.
We have been conditioned to believe that god meets with us at certain locations and at certain times. We are even conditioned to believe that god is stronger or more apt to heal, save and deliver at certain times during those times.
We have a omnipresent savior but we expect only pool of bethesda miracles, meaning "god only moves at a certain season and when he does we will know because the water is troubled."
we treat god as if he has to have a mood set and we beg as if healing, saving and delivering is our idea originally and we are trying to convince god of its merits.
You realize that we are begging god to do things that he already commanded and equipped us to do?
Country going to heck in a handbasket? Could it be because we self isolate inside spiritual ghettos we call churches?
Ever think that maybe...just maybe we need to awaken to the authority we already possess and just obey what we have already been commanded to do?
"but but maybe its not gods will!!!!"
i've never seen a scripture that says that god was pleased that people were sick, hell bound and in bondage.
Scripture after scripture i read where he healed them all. Even in the face of unbelief he was still able to work miracles.
I see time and time again where he was moved by compassion...the same spirit that was moved with compassion to heal...isn't it inside us? Isn't this the same spirit that raised christ from the dead and which will one day quicken our mortal bodies?
Isn't jesus the same yesterday today and forever? If his goal was to give sight to the blind and set at liberty them that are bruised do you think that he somehow lost interest in that happening like someone losing interest in a hobby?
What part of the command to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and cast out devil's" are we clueless on? Did he stutter? Did he change his mind? Oooooh i get it. You gotta have a special ministry, position, calling or anointing to do that and see...that's not my thing.
I don't see any scripture that gives us the option to opt out on this.
There are three possibilities here.
1.we are unaware of the commandments given to us.
2. We are aware but we are not being obedient.
3. The bible is false and there is no such thing as authority and power over sickness and demonic strongholds and if that's the case we just need to close up shop.
Obedience is the fuel that runs the engine of faith.
Don't believe me?
Faith without works is dead.
Not faith in works or salvation by works but a faith that works.
If there is obedience in the gas tank of faith we aren't going anywhere.
With no obedience we are the crazy family member sitting out in a rusted out shell of a car that's on cinder blocks pretending we are going somewhere.
Yeah this is rubbing some people the wrong way but honestly i dont care. Watching demons manifest in your loved one that has been bound and tortured as a child will kinda break you out of the "well let's not upset anyone and rock the boat" mentality.
You're saying, "that's some big talk...what are you doing about it?"
i'll tell you what i'm doing, i've turned off tv, movies and podcasts i used to binge on and i've dedicated myself to the word.
We went to walmart today and you know what we did? We prayed before we walked in that we would meet someone we could tell about the goodness of god.
We walked in and began to shop and we struck up a conversation with a grandmother with her grandkids.
We talked for about 10 minutes and as we were leaving she said,"god bless you."
that was my open door! Hehe
i turned around and before i could stop myself i blurted out,"oh he has! He has healed my wife miraculously 4 times in the past 3 weeks!" i told her the details and how we prayed for her in jesus name and she was healed instantly and her eyes got big in amazement.
Everytime we go out in public i'm going to be intentionally looking for someone to witness to, pray for.
I have a neighbor i'm going to pray for tomorrow.
I'm obeying what god has commanded me to do through scripture and we are going to see healings and deliverances in jesus name.
Awesome in Jesus Name!!!!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
03-11-2017, 08:12 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Zion aka TEXAS
Posts: 26,744
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
The main issue is what I have been repeating over and over again. Postmodernism. Instead of the Church being special and exclusive it wanted to blend into the culture. It yearned to win souls with the culture the souls were already use to. Instead of seeing people repent of their filthy behavior the church told them to come as they are and STAY as they are. Standards of separation of appearance were ridiculed not by the sinners who were coming in and repenting, but by the individuals who were raised in the church and felt they were missing out on something. Individuals weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth because they weren't allowed to play Monopoly as a kid?
Girls telling of the woes of not being able to cut their hair, wear jewelry, and makeup?
While they were growing up with all those sad tales of woes, my friends and I were snorting heroin, and drinking Johnny Walker Black. Getting shot, stabbed, and all sorts of insanity. So when we came into the church we wanted to leave all the world behind. Yet, when we came into the church we had to navigate around the obstacle of CKs and PKs. It wasn't just limited to standard of appearances but how you worshipped, how loud you prayed in the prayer room. They were always beating their tin drum of balance. While balance is a necessity, some individuals just saw fervency in religion as a hindrance to the culture that was burning down around them. A culture they so badly wanted to be a part of with their rendition of the Churchism's Postmodernism.
But why should they blink? They have no standards of thought, or separation. You have to always remember that the world accepted female transgenderism of dress long long ago. Short hair, pants, so now we are supposed to be surprised because Disney has homosexual characters in their children shows? The Church is trying to be the "hold me, please hold me" atmosphere. Where it stands for nothing but accepts everything which is contrary. You can't tell the sinner from the saint, Satan throws his head back and laughs, while the pastor and his congregation sways back and forth to Lady Gaga sings "Applause."
Christians? That word is meaningless in this culture, Christianity has been replaced by Churchanity where doctrine is an abstract idea where no one is right. Everything is up to your own personal Jesus interpretation. Roaring down the broadway at full throttle, ripping through the gears over the broken bodies of the apostles, evangelists, prophets, teachers and pastors. Heading headlong over the cliff through the wide open gate.
The remnant is still appalled, while the majority shakes their fists at them.
Sorry to break this sad news but the frog is deader then fried chicken in the bottom of a greasy bucket. That started in the 70s, 80s, by the 90s he was belly up. Men use to be men, now they want to be sweeter then MeeMaw on Thanksgiving morning. They want to not offend anyone, no judging anything, come as you are and STAY as you are. We will build the church around your sins, around your ideas. The church is here to make you a better you, not to convert, but just make you a nice man.
There you go! MINORITY.
That's the way it will always be, a remnant, a minority, a little flock. Sadly some focus on fame and fortune. Let's build bigger barns to store my Jesus name baptized bodies. People who don't have the foggiest idea why they do what they do, but are just a nicer version of who they once were. They are no different from the Jay Hove Witness or the nice Hari Krishna down the block. Everyone honey hugging their way straight to a devil's hell.
Lack of prayer? How about lack of guts.
03-11-2017, 08:16 PM
This is still that!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
Posts: 9,650
Re: The Gates of hell shall not prevail
awesome preaching!
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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