Wife Hospitalized In Psych W After Suicide Attempt
So I was at work the past two days and yesterday my wife became upset and agitated and long story short there was a suicide attempt and she's been committed. If it wasnt for my mother in law staying with us I don't know what I would do because she has been helping with the baby while I'm at work for two and three days at a time. I haven't even told my family yet because they have a habit of not understanding really and not being very supportive...just looking to assign blame over who is at fault.
We were able to keep her Louisiana but she is three hours away close to Lake Charles...Kinder actually. I'm able to visit her from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm on weekdays and on weekends it's like 2pm to 4 pm and I can call at certain times times of day.
I feel numb inside and alone. I need her to get better...I need my best friend back.I don't know how long they will keep her.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
Re: Wife Hospitalized In Psych W After Suicide Att
Oh I am so sorry to hear this! I do hope that she will get some help, as it is clear she is crying out for help and hope. Will be praying for the Lord to help both of you, and help the doctors know best how to treat her. So thankful your MIL is there to help with the baby too. Will continue to lift you up in prayer!