So, apparently Hillary thinks every "right" we have, should be regulated, including the first amendment, as stated in an interview with Chris Wallace.
CHRIS WALLACE: I want to talk not about Trump, but about you and drill down into some of the positions that you’ve taken in this campaign. At a fund-raiser last year you said this, "The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment." Now, in the 2008 Heller case, the court said there's a constitutional individual right to bear arms.
What's wrong with that?
HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I think what the court said about there being an individual right is in line with constitutional thinking. And I said in the convention, I’m not looking to repeal the Second Amendment. I’m not looking to take people's guns away, but I am looking for more support for the reasonable efforts that need to be undertaken to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
WALLACE: And the Second Amendment includes an individual right to bear arms.
CLINTON: Yes, but that right like every other of our rights, our First Amendment rights, every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations.
Our rights do
NOT stem from the Constitution. Our rights exist because we are alive. As such, the government has no business in regulating our rights. It's not enough that they already trample on our second amendment rights, now she even has openly stated that our first amendment rights are "subject to reasonable regulations". And, of course, Wallace didn't call her out on that.