Originally Posted by n david
I doubt obama will drop by to drink a glass of that water.
First of all, that was SUCH a joke! "Not a prank, I really need a drink" BO said, but c'mon, dude...I actually LIVE here, okay? His pretense of a cough only fooled the BO lovers...ugh!! He and the governor need to go to the parts of town with the really bad water, and then let me see you take a drink. *double ugh!!*
Secondly, here is what really happened here...
The City Manager and his people decided to save money...yeah right!! To save money they would switch from Lake Huron/Detroit water to Flint River water. Idiots! Anyone who has lived in Flint for more than 10 minutes can tell you, the Flint River is contaminated. Years of GM dumping junk, as well as waste... it's not safe for anything.
Okay, so the powers that be switched, and when they did, I immediately quit drinking and cooking with tap water.
When they switched back to Detroit, the damage had been done. The contamination in the lead pipes forced the contamination and the lead through. Those with the older lead pipes had brown water, so bad they couldn't bathe or wash clothes.
We have been blessed. The water in our home does not have an odor or dirty color to it. We have a filter, as most residents do now, but I don't trust it. I have been cooking and drinking bottled water for over 2 years.
People from all over the country have been donating water, and the stores have it on sale a lot. And by the way, the media keeps saying, and even BO said the other day that we don't have grocery stores and fresh veggies and fruit in Flint...not true. To be fair, there have been store closures here because of the declining production plant employment had a lot to do with that, but we DO have major grocery stores, bodegas on every other corner, and a huge Farmer's Market in the heart of downtown.
When the news reported lead in water in Cleveland a few months ago, I told folks that this is the tip of the iceberg. How long have we all been drinking water with lead, and never knew it? It's just that Flint has gotten the publicity...and of course, Ms. Clinton made it a big deal for political reasons. It was good in a way because it shed more light on us, but it was political and pandering to the African American voters.
One more point and I'll leave this alone...it makes me so crazy when people who don't know the facts make it up as they go along. Case in point: a couple of months ago C-Span televised the Senate hearings with our dear governor...
During one of the breaks they had phone in callers...one man called, and said he was a Sanders supporter, and this silly liberal Democrat said, "I know why Flint's water has lead in it...Climate Change!"
Oh buddy!! Sis. Barb grabbed the phone, and Live on television, I told the reasons listed above, and said, "Bless his heart, this man doesn't know what he is talking about!"
So the moderator asked, "So why do you really think they changed over?"
Without hesitation, I said, "Baby, it was money!"
My mother laughed at me calling him "baby," but give me a break! I live here, folks, and Climate Change has NOTHING to do with this...
Okay, I'm done...