Over fifty seven years ago I was visited by Jesus and he told me I would grow up and be a missionary to Brazil. I was so young and tender and who except myself and He that called could really believe a story of a little child but my pastor best summoned it up when he told my mother, “if she really seen Jesus and He did call she will never forget.” I never forgot the call it followed me all through school. Just as children’s imaginary friends become so real the call was always there however it was not imaginary. It was my waking thought and the last thing I thought about before going to sleep…forty one years have now passed since coming to Brazil and my heart still burns within me. I have never lost the wonder that He called me to be a missionary.
My life has been so blessed by a wonderful husband and children. I have lived long enough to help clear the land, plant the seed and see a beautiful garden of blood washed souls that extends all over Brazil. It has never been my desire to Americanize the people but Christianize them.
Following the call has not been easy nor has it been a bed of roses but as life’s sun sinks I can tell you it has been well worth it. I think of the words of Jim Elliot, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose" -
As a young girl I gave up everything of my known world and headed for an unknown shore and uncharted waters by meh. When I walked off the plane a gracious loving people walked into my heart. Jesus promised in Matt 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
While this is true it is not always understood or felt during the hours of loneliness, culture shock and seemly abandonment. However we must not look at present circumstances but keep our eyes and hearts faced on the end results of faithfulness.
The Lord has called many a person that has made shipwreck of their life and call. However in the mist of life’s ups and downs I have always had the sweet assurance that the call was really real. I could not leave I was chained by a call! I could not take a heavenly visit lightly and base decisions on mere earthly circumstances.
Sometimes a heavenly call is not understood by friends. Come home they cry out but the called ones wipe sweet and tears from their eyes and labor on. Hurts come from both sides of the ocean but strength also comes. I always think of the sobering words of the writer of
Heb 11:15-16 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country-a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
Needless to say I too could have returned for many reasons however I know there is a recompense for the faithful and I have a passion for missions.
Three people especially I have never wanted to be ashamed of me are first the One that called, Jesus then my pastor and my husband.
As the writer of long ago I have learned in whatever situation to be content. As the years roll by our bodies have a lot of miles on our motors. We may not be as young and fast as we once were however not one inch of the calling has diminished. Deep within my soul lays a God given burden, a great sorrow, a commitment, a continual grief, heaviness, a horror of horrors that while I am saved millions are in spiritual darkness. The ringing bells from pagan temples stills pains me. No questions will have to be asked I gladly pledge to spend the rest of my life on foreign soil.
In this wishy washy world we live in we can have complete assurance to trust in HIM who goes before and calls his servants to work in His fields.
It was a custom to put a yoke on the necks of those that were to be crucified in Rome and stretch out their hands and fasten them to the end of it. Only those that follow Him really know about the crucifixion experience. A seed must die to bring forth fruit. That is the reason we have so many who think they are called and run back home. They have never really died out to self and things in general. Many useless fires have been burnt on God’s alter in the name of sacrifice. Millions of dollars have been wasted in the name of missionary callings.
Knowing the voice of God is so important in our working for Him. I have seen fly by nights claiming God sent them and have brought reproach upon the callings of a holy God and often doing much harm to God’s work trying to justify spiritual immaturity.. Spiritual shallowness dims sensitivity to the voice and call of God.
Not all of missionary life is exciting some of it is just holding the fort! Drudgery, plunging on in the mist of dire circumstances is just part of the call. Many times there are no glowing reports to send home.
I have leaned over the years that men and women that are really called have a deep sense of humility and submission. There must be an unending dedication to the call. The work of God is just that: work. There is no room for lazy people in an army that is ever marching and fighting spiritual warfare.
Running home, pouting, finding someone to sympathize with the awol solider is easy but it only helps defeat the the soldier. The great commander in chief is to be obeyed even under unbelievable circumstances. Paul so plainly explained in his writings in
2 Cor. 11:23-28 mentioning laborers, beatings, stoning, shipwreck, robbers, perils of all kinds, journeying, false brethren, weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness and beside all that he had the care of all the churches.
I join my voice as an old mother in Israel and a life time missionary to tell you my friend and fellow climber the road is not easy. On the mission field as a missionary with no salary living by faith alone our faith has been challenged seemly to the breaking point many times. We are not only met with financial difficulties, many times we are met with fanatical idolaters enwrapped in darkness, inhospitable reception, priests and witchdoctors that hate our message. We have been robbed at gunpoint several times, had people to spread false rumors about us and all kinds of things. We know what it is to face lack of funds and even hunger.
We cannot be “sugarcoated soldiers” that melt in the rain but we must consider all things in the Light of Eternity and not our selfish, personal feelings. The eternal destiny of many souls hinge many times on our decisions. Rash decisions most often are wrong decisions.
As we travel throughout Brazil and look over the thousands of precious souls, hundreds of churches, I remember the many times I dreamed of seeing that but had to tuck that vision in my heart and keep on working.
We must diligently pursue the call of God. It is NOT some fleeting emotion but a heavenly command.
I might as well tell you younger folks not everyone is going to clap their hands when you walk in the door. People that preach the same message you preach many times will hate you and try to destroy you. That happened to the great apostle Paul and not a one of us are better than him. Some of the folks of his day doubted his apostleship. So great was his burning passion for souls that he said in, Phil. 1:15-18 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel. What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
Paul rejoiced that the gospel was being preached even by his enemies and by some that were not even sincere!
The call and eternal purpose of God must be foremost in our lives.
Janice Alvear