Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
PO, happy to hear from you. I haven't been on for a long time and haven't read up, but what is your view of the Donald?
Cutting to the chase - I believe that if he were any other candidate for the Republican party nomination, his campaign would be over. He has flip-flopped on more issues and in the shortest amount of time than Mitt Romney ever thought about doing.
He is like Obamacare - you won't know what you get until you pass it. In this case, we won't know until he is elected.
More troubling is that he refuses to release a NYT tape wherein he admits he is not a strong advocate against Amnesty. You will remember that was the key issue that catapulted him to the top of the pack.
Even more troubling is that he hasn't released his tax records to show what he has been doing with his money. You will remember that they demanded Romney's tax returns.
There is NO doubt the Democrats will drag all of this up if he were to make it to the General. I say #DumpTrump now.
Lastly, I was not against Donald Trump in the beginning, but now he has gone way south for me. In the first debate when he stated that he called in "favors" with his donations, that was all she wrote. He has criticized others for their PAC money, but he has used "extortion" all of his career.
I call him Donald J. Trump Corleone.